Monday, September 23, 2024

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Salvia poses less risk than alcohol

One drug was related to 390 Michigan deaths in 2006, and more than 16,000 since 1982. The other was related to zero nationwide, perhaps worldwide. Which one is under threat of becoming illegal, of course, has nothing to do with that.


ACT, SAT don't offer best picture of students

Imagine not spending money and time preparing for the ACT or SAT. Some colleges are beginning to focus less on a student’s performance on the two major standardized tests. A panel of college admissions officials is suggesting universities move away from the ACT and SAT scores and focus on other things such as high school grade-point average, extracurricular activities and classes taken while in high school.


Everyday details now spark debate

I drink fair trade coffee and drive a fuel-efficient car. I get a thrill out of recycling and I listen to bands you haven’t even heard of yet. I admit that global warming and social inequalities are things that keep me up late into the night and I’ve often considered career changes that would allow me to work for a greater good.


Focus on economy first, then renewable energy

In recent weeks, the U.S. economy has suffered a heart attack. And as with any heart attack, time is needed to heal. Yet Michigan legislators are still arguing over how high a percentage of electricity should come from renewable energy sources, otherwise known as the renewable portfolio standard, or RPS.


Rogers' Law could affect students

Are you ready to vote? Don’t worry. This isn’t part of the mountain of editorials and columns begging you to go out and register to vote — although you should be registered, and those exhortations are coming.


Taking campus crime seriously important for all

Don’t cry wolf. It’s a cliché one would think doesn’t bear repeating to college students — young adults responsible for their own homework, rent, meals and general survival. But it appears lately that’s not the case. In a week’s time, two recent reports made to MSU police have been found to be false.


Michigan Daily slights U-M's satellite campuses in editorial

In the reprinted summary of The Michigan Daily’s editorial about University of Michigan satellite campuses (“Revamping satellite campuses necessary for U-M’s growth” SN 9/17), the paraphrased description “used mostly as trade schools for the auto industry” outrageously diminishes the quality of those institutions.


Criticizing drinking habits of students solves nothing

In response to Pavan Vangipuram’s Alcohol use in E.L. warrants serious consideration (SN 9/22), I’ve been reading the same judgmental columns in The State News about anyone who drinks alcohol since I was a freshman. But every writer seems to miss something crucial: It is pointless to try to change someone else’s behavior by shaming and criticizing them.


Disregard 'lies' on magazine covers

You’re in line at the checkout in CVS Pharmacy and notice the magazine rack stocked with this month’s latest. Marie Claire and Shape stare back at you, rife with regurgitated headlines and a carefully sculpted, pouty female prepared to disclose the trials and lamentations of fame. “Sculpted?” you think. Yeah, right. The pen tool in Photoshop can work wonders.


Calling Salvation Army 'gross' offends those who shop there

I picked up The State News for the first time Sept. 12. I optimistically skim through the paper and excitingly start with my first article Retro hippie chick fashions cheap, feminine wardrobe (SN 9/12). Fashion always has been a passion of mine; little did I know I’d be offended after reading the article.


Alcohol use in E.L. warrants serious consideration

To walk down one of our residential avenues on a Friday night is a sobering experience. Not for any lack of alcohol imbibed — that, at least, is open and apparent — but for the insights it offers into human behavior. A casual stroll on a weekend evening will reveal spectacles that would be horrifying if their constant presence had not already desensitized us.


Bridge Card can assist struggling students

There’s no shame in asking for help. If you’re struggling through a math class, you can hire a tutor. Lost on a road trip? Pull over and ask someone at a gas station for directions. But what happens when you find yourself having to decide between paying the rent and buying groceries?


Learn about Mich. government now

At the beginning of the school year, I find myself reflecting on my experience as an undergraduate student at MSU from 2001 to 2005. Though I am now a graduate student at MSU, I take my classes in the Detroit area, where I work full-time, and seldom find myself in East Lansing.


Black community still questions the impact of Obama's nomination

Just a few months ago, both black and white people were questioning Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama’s “blackness.” That is to say, black people wanted to know if he was going to help black people and white people wanted to know if he was going to help black people exclusively.