Monday, September 23, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



Unannounced raids harm America's image in war

When the war on terror began shortly after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, it was clear from the start that it would be a completely different war than those the nation had fought before. The fact that a terrorist group has no geographic borders or official representatives has forced the U.S. to completely re-examine how it fights, and develop a whole new set of rules for battle.


Turning over Prop. 8 doesn't support ideals of democracy

This letter is in response to the hypocritical editorial Same-sex couples’ rights need national discussion (SN 11/11). The last couple of months I have been reading The State News almost on a daily basis, and oftentimes I have found articles encouraging voting (The Youth Vote (11/07), Set race, gender issues aside when casting your vote (11/04), Students have no excuse not to get out and vote (11/04), Consider motive behind vote, make an informed decision (11/04), Voting 101 (11/03), etc.).


Ratings, costumes both irresponsible

What would possess anyone to dress in minimal clothing in public on a bitterly cold night and then complain about how people perceive them on that night? Halloween, of course. Lindsay Lohan’s character in “Mean Girls” said, “Halloween is the one night a year when girls can dress like a total slut and no other girls say anything about it.”


Racism not erased by Obama's win, real change still needed

“Change we can believe in” and “Yes we can” were some of the slogans used in propelling President-elect Obama, D-Ill., into the White House. Indeed, his win was both convincing and historic. However, what does Obama’s presidency mean for racism? Is racism in fact eradicated? What is the relationship between Sen. Obama being elected and the eradication of structural racism?


Blood drive another way to defeat Penn State next week

The 2008 MSU-Penn State Blood Donor Challenge is underway. This year marks the 15th time this annual event has taken place. It offers MSU students, faculty and staff the opportunity to donate blood and help save lives while also competing against the Nittany Lions. After two straight years of Penn State victories, it’s time for MSU to regain the title.


Student loans worthy of government protection

With America’s new financial reality, how do you pay for college? It’s a question that is probably only just beginning to haunt students, whether they’re a high school senior applying for their future or a current student wondering where the money for the next semester is going to come from.


Winter's assessment of British government has inaccuracies

Drew Robert Winter’s column Obama could help U.S. see its faults (SN 11/10) brings up many good points about people’s hope for President-elect Barack Obama’s upcoming presidency in reversing damaging U.S. domestic and international policies, and with this feeling I could not agree more. Many of his statements regarding Great Britain’s political history, however, are misguided and downright fallacious.


Christmas stress begins to set in

It’s beginning again. I had the recurring nightmare once again the other night. It’s Christmas Day and somehow I’ve forgotten to buy anybody a gift. For a family that emphasizes the holiday as much as mine does, that’s a catastrophic mistake. The nightmare is one that I traditionally have this time of year. I’m fairly certain its purpose is to remind me that I need to begin saving money or I’ll be in deep trouble come December.


Obama's presidency will usher in change, unity for America

It’s not hard to think highly of Sen. John McCain, especially when he is as gracious and high-minded in defeat as he was Nov. 4. I know that President-elect Obama wants to usher in an era of unity and healing, but it’s important that we never forget that Obama is the president-elect despite the fact that the McCain campaign promoted fear, xenophobia and racism because he believed people’s ignorance was the margin of victory.


Not voting might ensure 'greater evil' takes office

In a letter titled Voting not worth hassle if candidates not up to par (SN 11/6), Arthur Manoli gives excuses why his decision to not vote was a more educated and reasonable answer than voting. One of his excuses was that he would only be voting for the “lesser of the two evils,” so why vote at all.


Same-sex couples' rights need national discussion

Voters in California passed Proposition 8, which amended the state’s constitution to define marriage as between a man and a woman, essentially eliminating same-sex marriage in the state. Proposition 8 is the latest in a long line of actions taken to reach a permanent conclusion in the state’s struggle to define marriage. A majority of California voters had shown their disapproval toward same marriage once before, but this time their decision at the polls changed existing legislation.


Prop. 8 furthers segregation country is trying to overcome

On Tuesday, California, Florida and Arizona voted for proposals banning gay marriage. In Arkansas, voters decided to ban unmarried couples from being allowed to adopt children. These results are a shocking affront to both natural and constitutional human rights as well as a bigoted marginalization of a significant portion of the country’s population.


Female partygoers should not condone rating system

I recently read two letters to the editor regarding Alpha Epsilon Pi’s Playboy U party. While I can’t possibly begin to express how disgusted I am that this kind of activity takes place, I am even more disgusted that women find this behavior acceptable or brush it off by saying “boys will be boys” (as was stated several times on the comment boards of


Obama could help U.S. see its faults

Hope and change, that’s what I felt last Tuesday night. Not just meager change, like bringing most of our troops home from Iraq and Afghanistan, but a monumental decision by the people of the United States. We have to pay taxes and those with more income have to pay more to help those struggling to put food on the table. We have to make success through partnerships, not by exploiting the weak. We have to take part in the political process and attempt to reform the process so our vote counts.


Passage of proposal 8 sets back gay rights movement

Tuesday was a great day for many Americans. The announcement of Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill, becoming our next president was both historic and inspiring on many counts, a bold statement that our nation has come a long way since the discriminative days of our past. However, with the passage of Proposition 8 in California, as well as other discriminatory measures being passed in Florida, Arizona and Arkansas, I wonder if we’ve really moved forward at all.