Friday, December 27, 2024

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Weapons on campus would threaten student safety

I’d like to respond to Brian Wlosinski’s letter to the editor Carrying guns on campus could work if regulated (SN 11/19). This solution has flaws that need to be considered. By allowing weapons on campus, the chance of someone who should not have a weapon getting ahold of one will increase dramatically. While this could be solved with locks and safes, the problem still exists. No one is perfect, and slipups will happen.


MSU president's salary reasonable by comparison

It’s easy to jump to conclusions when you hear the higher-ups of any institution are getting raises in these times of economic turmoil. Visions of the “golden parachutes” and $100,000 spa retreats for CEOs of failing companies might come to mind because the news has been plagued with such stories in the wake of the Wall Street bailout.


Big Three collapse hurts entire state

For the past week or so as I’ve walked to class or work, one question has dominated my thoughts: What will Michigan look like if the Big Three’s bailout doesn’t happen — an event that increasingly seems more and more likely.


Discussion of Prop. 8 passage good for equal rights fight

In response to the previously published Tolerance needed for those who don’t support same-sex marriage (SN 11/18), I’ll simply begin by stating plainly what I’m sure many of you have may already concluded for yourselves: The authors clearly haven’t the slightest idea of what it means to be a victim of intolerance.


Tolerance needed for those who don't support same-sex marriage

There have been a slew of articles in The State News discussing the disappointments over the recent bans of gay marriage in Florida, Arizona and California. The writers (the State News editorial board included) go further than expressing disappointment; they accuse those who choose not to support gay marriage of intolerance and bigotry. However, their arguments rest on a creed of universal tolerance.


Guns should be left in hands of trained police officers

I am a gun owner and hunter and feel that people have the right to defend themselves. But on the same note, I think guns have no place on this campus unless worn by police officers. The MSU police are trained, professional men and women, many of them former students, who have made the commitment to protect us.


Stem cell victory positive for Mich.

On Nov. 4, the citizens of Michigan sent the state Legislature, the Michigan Catholic Conference and Right to Life Michigan a clear message: “You won’t keep us from cures.” Despite several popularly supported bills to change the state’s archaic laws on embryonic stem cell research, the state legislature had failed the people of Michigan by not moving these bills to law. So citizens organized, collected thousands of petition signatures and got the issue on the ballot as Proposal 2.


Police response to gun report well excecuted

It’s one of a college student’s worst fears: A madman comes to class with a gun and opens fire. Although the fear likely has been around for years, the Virginia Tech shootings made it seem all too possible. No longer was the image of a crazed classmate going on a rampage confined to the realm of the imagination.


Column calling for acceptance overlooks Christian population

In response to Thea Neal’s column Keep fighting for same-sex marriage (SN 11/7), I am saddened by the hostility of this article, which criticizes people of faith and those who do not agree with the practice of homosexuality. The Bible does not say “no” to the homosexuals, it says “no” to the practice of homosexuality. Yes, as stated in the column, Jesus is all about love. However, Jesus is also about not practicing homosexuality, not as a matter of hate, but as a plan to experience love as God intended.


Music scene not stagnant, bands should work harder to be heard

This letter is in response to Friday’s Flavor of the Week article featuring the Lansing band Incarta. The headline read “Lansing rock band fights to be heard in midst of stagnant local music scene” and after reading the article I personally took offense to the local music scene being called stagnant.


Big Three bailout might be necessary

It has not been a pleasant year for General Motors Corp. Soaring fuel prices along with a devastating meltdown in the automotive sector have all but evaporated its cash reserves. The company has been steadily shedding its work force for the past year, but those efforts do not appear to have had the intended effect of staving off bankruptcy.


Obama could use help from Mich.

The elections are over and there are many new faces taking up important roles in the government. It will be their duty to try and undo the mistakes made by previous administrations.


Unannounced raids harm America's image in war

When the war on terror began shortly after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, it was clear from the start that it would be a completely different war than those the nation had fought before. The fact that a terrorist group has no geographic borders or official representatives has forced the U.S. to completely re-examine how it fights, and develop a whole new set of rules for battle.