Monday, September 23, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



This year's Black Friday behavior out of control

It’s time to reconsider “Shop ‘til you drop.” On Black Friday — the day retailers often see their bottom lines climb out from the negative — shoppers often congregate outside their bastions of retail religion for hours upon hours in the late-fall cold. They leave their Thanksgiving dinners early or skip them altogether.


Groups promote unity, not racism

I read Alex Freitag’s column Student groups overstress race (SN 11/20) with great interest, as a lot of the bullet points remind me exactly how much work needs to be done with bridging the gap in race relations on this supposedly diverse campus.


Clinton a wise choice for secretary of state

It may not be official, but the worlds of news and politics are all abuzz with word that Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-N.Y., will soon be announced as President-elect Barack Obama’s nominee for the position of secretary of state.


Funding student groups with tuition only increases expenses

This letter is in response to the editorial Race-based groups deserve student tax Funds (SN 11/25). This editorial states, “People also should remember that nobody is forcing students to join these groups.” While this is a true statement, it is not true that nobody is forcing students to fund these groups.


Assault victims bear no responsibility for attacks

I don’t like the way Abby Lubbers adds insult to injury in the police blurb Police: Woman attacked near Hubbard Hall (SN 11/24) by indirectly placing the blame on the survivor of the attack. Reminding readers to plan where to run in case of an attack or to look around the bushes seems to insinuate that this woman obviously failed to form an escape plan ahead of time or to look for villains who might be lurking in bushes.


Same-sex couples ask for equality

When I came to college about three years ago, I was extremely different than I am now. Anyone will tell you college is a time when you’re supposed to find yourself, slowly transforming into the individual you want to be and having the courage to stand up for the things you hold close to your heart.


Race-based groups deserve student tax funds

The concept of race is one that has haunted this nation from its very birth. The U.S. has taken tentative step after step forward, trying to reach that mythical future Martin Luther King Jr. once spoke about — a world in which everyone was color-blind, and race no longer mattered.


Prop. 8 supporters' claim of 'intolerance' false

I find it rather irritating that the social conservatives, despite their victory in the battle for the rights of homosexuals to marry, are writing letters to The State News in which they pose as victims of “intolerance” on the part of those of us in opposition to Proposition 8 and its likenesses. How they can expect tolerance is beyond me.


MSU hiring practices demonstrate fairness

The passage of Proposition 2 in 2006 outlawing affirmative action in Michigan resulted last month in a publication on faculty hiring practices that puts the educational needs of students first by emphasizing competency more than diversity.


Obama's economic plans reveal priorities

That didn’t take long. President-elect Barack Obama is still two months away from taking office, yet he’s already begun announcing his plans for how to fix the U.S.‘s moribund economy. Observers shouldn’t be fooled into thinking he’s found the magic bullet for all that ails the nation, however. Often overlooked in his various economic plans is the fact that his promise to create 2.5 million new jobs over his first two years is a gross estimate, and not a net projection.


Love drives same-sex marriage fight

As my mother, my third-grade teacher and the Plain White T’s all used to say, “Hate is a strong word.” And I agree. But I would propose that love is an even stronger word, abused and misunderstood even more by our society. In the past several weeks, a lot of ink has been spilled over California’s Proposition 8, a proposed constitutional amendment that will define marriage as strictly between a man and a woman.


Student groups overstress race

There are several student groups focused on ethnicity that are eligible to receive student tax dollars. Anybody can join these groups. They include such organizations as the Black Student Alliance, or BSA, and the Asian Pacific American Student Organization. Some of these groups wield incredible power with these tax dollars.