Sunday, September 22, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



E-mail system still has many problems, needs improvement

Many of us students have found out over the last week or two that MSU has updated the e-mail service. While the new e-mail system has many more options comparable to the likes of other services available online, it failed to correct the one issue that causes the most frustration amongst student: We are being locked out of our e-mail.


Animal rights group uses flawed logic

I saw in the article MSU officials ban circus from Breslin (SN 1/15) how Students Promoting Animal Rights, or SPAR managed to have the circus banned from MSU this year and I decided to do a little research on the beliefs of the group.


 Crash distracts from real news

Last week, an airliner departing from New York City struck a flock of geese and was forced to land in the Hudson River. All the passengers survived. Though told adequately in just two sentences, this story became the focal point of international attention for days after it broke.


Being vegetarian has many options

It was interesting to read about Abaries Farhad’s adventures with cruelty-free cuisine in your blog I’m a Vegetarian: Days 1 and 2 (SN 1/19), While it is admirable that she is trying something new, it was surprising that there was no mention of the many mock meat dishes that have become standard in a today’s vegetarian diet.


University decision to ban circus wise

MSU deserves congratulations for their action to help stop cruelty to animals in “MSU officials ban circus from Breslin”: (SN 1/15).


Pirating music not harmful to artist

The term “music pirating” makes me think of some guy with an eye patch, a parrot and a wooden leg surfing the seven electronic seas and pillaging poor music artists of their hard-earned and well-deserved money.


Invocation choice reflects bipartisan reach

President-elect Barack Obama will become this nation’s first minority president Tuesday. But not everybody’s voice is being heard, and it’s time for that to change. It’s time to truly become a nation of one.


Term 'genocide' should not be thrown around

Inauguration Day is a week away. President-elect Barack Obama will become our 44th president. Among his top priorities, without a doubt, Obama will push for Middle East peace on all fronts. One of those fronts is between Israel and its neighbors.