Sunday, September 22, 2024

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Vegan lifestyle logical decision

People are always asking me why I’m vegan. I gladly explain the horrors of factory farming, the enslavement that comes with any animal-food production, and the health and environmental benefits. But people almost always have rebuttals. Not only are some of them easily answered by some small degree of critical thought, but I don’t even think people believe some the things they say.


Look to power plant to save energy on campus

The MSU Power Plant made a temporary change last week from burning coal to burning gasoline to generate power. The reason was simple — gasoline prices have fallen below coal prices and MSU is taking the opportunity to save money on energy costs. In the short term it makes sense to switch to gasoline, but we can’t help but think about MSU’s long-term energy problems.


More parking needed around campus for faculty, staff

This university sends a message that it would rather have its own employees, who have purchased a parking permit, spend irreplaceable time every day hunting around campus for a location to park instead of getting to work. In addition, MSU seems to have a large interest in fining its employees who purchase parking permits instead of improving campus parking.


Be realistic about fixing economy

Democracy has struck again: We have a new president. President Barack Obama has inherited two foreign wars and the worst economy since the Great Depression. Welcome to the office, Mr. President. Good luck on your goal to quit smoking.


Paying 20 year old tuition fees wise option

These days, trusting the stock market is about as safe as flossing your teeth with a steak knife. But it’s time to cut around the fat when it comes to college education. People need to start investing in the Michigan Education Trust, or MET.


Recovery bill has potential, needs job focus

When it comes to the economy, there’s no sense in fooling ourselves anymore: Waiting it out hasn’t worked. While many economical hard times are cyclical, the time has come to take action to fix the nation’s economical crisis. President Barack Obama is pushing to start this process, with a few kinks in the plan that need to be worked out.


Punishment for hockey players not steep enough

As an MSU graduate and former State News sports reporter, I was disappointed with Alex DiFilippo’s agreement with Rick Comley’s insubstantial punishment against Andrew Conboy and Corey Tropp in the blog Punishment for Conboy, Tropp befits actions (SN 1/26).


Proximal student housing needed

There are signs on Grand River Avenue that direct drivers to parking in downtown East Lansing. Those signs must be misprints. Actually, maybe they’re just in the wrong place.


Coach correct in suspending players for season

Todd Bertuzzi. Marty McSorley. Chris Simon. Corey Tropp. Tropp, a sophomore forward on the MSU hockey team, deserves his name on the aforementioned list of illustrious hockey stick-wielders gone haywire for his assault on Michigan defenseman Steve Kampfer in Saturday’s 5-3 loss to U-M at Yost Ice Arena in Ann Arbor.


Obama only human, does not have superpowers

Unlike many credulous individuals populating the countryside, I do not partake in the irrational exultation that is “ObamaMania.” Laughably, President Barack Obama’s insipid inaugural words will not be “chiseled in marble” as one CNN cretin prematurely proclaimed.


Drinking laws need revision

Almost every obstacle that young people face is diminished by having someone at their side guiding them along the way. From the very first step that a child takes, to when they first get behind the wheel of a car, their parents are with them guiding and coaching them along the way.


Don't be afraid to discuss importance of sexual safety

Wednesday’s editorial column E-card insufficient warning to sex partners (SN 1/22) has confirmed an observation I have made regarding how the MSU community deals with the problem of sexually transmitted infections. It seems we have found the solution. Well, at least a temporary one: Just don’t talk about it.


Bipartisan leaders essential for Mich.

It seems that every incoming president speaks of “cleaning up Washington,” getting rid of “politics as usual,” and “reaching across the aisle” to move the nation forward. However, these promises tend to be limited to words and speeches, not sustained effort and actions.


Student vigiliance crucial for safe campus

It can sometimes be difficult to feel safe on a 5,200-acre campus with 46,045 students. With the potential to be surrounded by a number of strangers at any given point in time, there should always be cause for alertness.


Israel must take responsibility

As the final troops withdraw from the meticulously planned campaign that left at least 1300 Palestinians dead and thousands more wounded, both the Palestinian and Israeli governments have the opportunity to finally acknowledge that either they must approach peace with nonviolence, or that they aren’t really interested in peace.


Women's basketball needs bigger turnout, support

As a die-hard fan of Spartan women’s basketball, it is embarrassing to go to home games and see the student section, Merchant Maniacs, nearly empty. It compares, sadly, to the student support at other places, particularly Indiana, Ohio State and Michigan.


Proper etiquette still essential for students

Calling professors by their first name is uncomfortable for some, but an everyday occurrence for others. The informalities between students and faculty on campus might not last much longer as more professors are sticking to rules of good old-fashioned etiquette, and there’s nothing wrong with that.