Sunday, September 22, 2024

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Atrocities reach across the aisle

Ah, the sweet fruit of change. How marvelous it is to have a president in the White House who challenges the oppressive systems that have held down the majority for so many years. While some of my less cynical cohorts bask in ejecting the militaristic former President George W. Bush from our nation’s highest office, I seem to be left virtually alone in my disgust at what should amount to scandal in a changed, better world.


Budget cuts should not target education

There are plenty of places to make cuts in the state budget, and many of Gov. Jennifer Granholm’s suggestions make sense. But the cuts to education — the largest proposed by Granholm — will continue to impede the state’s chances at an economic recovery.


Be specific when giving sex activity statistics

With Valentine’s Day approaching on Saturday, sex seems to be a hot topic, causing a breakout of lingerie deals and reservations at restaurants. But when it comes to lovemaking, it’s hard to believe the statistics and to ignore common misconceptions.


Americans have responsibility to end suffering in Darfur

Worldwide, the democracy of the United States has become the standard for hope, civil liberties and standing up for human rights. There are countless issues and causes we can choose to raise our voice to. My cause is to end the genocide that is occurring in Darfur, Sudan. It is no longer acceptable for me or for any of us to remain silent and hope that somebody somewhere will take action to stop the killing of innocent people.


Nonbelievers have their reasons, too

There are many misconceptions regarding certain religious beliefs. Lots of people like to say that atheists are people without faith, for instance, when atheists have just as much faith as those who consider themselves religious. Also, atheism is not Satan-worshipping, as has been suggested before.


Greek system does not define student

I want you to get to know me better. I love both of my parents very much. I go to them for advice about everything. My younger brother is my role model. He has Asperger’s syndrome — a mild form of autism — and has been through more emotional plight, and persevered, in his 19 years than most people will in their lifetime.


Assess quality of foreign cars before making buying decision

Steve Mnich’s letter Buy American if looking for solution to economic woes of auto industry (SN 2/10) provides a clear example why a basic economics course should be included in the requirements for university graduation, if not for high school.? With the exception of SUVs, foreign automakers have trounced the Big Three on quality, reliability and price for the past 20 years.


Issues within financial crisis begin with Federal Reserve 

In referring to the financial crisis that started with the “mortgage crisis,” President Barack Obama likes to point out that “what started on Wall Street will end up on Main Street,” but what he fails to be honest about is that it all starts and ends with the good ol’ U.S. government or the lack of elected representatives to do what the Constitution tells them to do.


Study web sites helpful, do not replace class

Naturally, students are willing to try new ways to succeed in classes. The Internet allows the exchange of information and innovation. By combining the two, a new Web site,, has created another way to study class material. The site is a forum to submit class notes and slides for other student’s viewing. This is helpful for those who attend class as a resource or as a safety net to students who missed a class.


Retain current policy for retaking courses

ASMSU’s Academic Assembly code and academic policy committee is sending a message to students — if you fail, try again. Try however many times you want. We’re going to allow you to retake any class in which you receive a 2.5 grade or lower.


Buy American if looking for solution to economic woes of auto industry

As more and more articles emerge relating to the ever-slumping auto industry in Michigan, I cannot help but notice how many nice, new foreign cars drive through campus. There must come a point where we stop expecting immediate results from our government, and instead take responsibility of our own to catalyze a 180-degree turn for Michigan’s whimpering industry.


Remember leader for preachings of equality

There may be no American civil rights leader whose contributions are as underappreciated or as misunderstood as Malcolm X. As we celebrate Black History Month, it is important for us to appreciate one of our own, Lansing’s Malcolm X, and understand why much ambivalence exists about his life and message.


Driver tax necessary if Mich. roads are to be improved

The editorial board brings up many good points in Driver tax illogical way to fix Mich. Roads (SN 2/6), such as the argument that raising taxes will only discourage potential businesses from relocating to Michigan. However, the editorial board’s solution to the problem is a widespread public works program.


Stimulus discussions need to focus on change, spending

The last few days of this stimulus plan debate have gotten ridiculous. I voted for change in November and I guess it was bailout day at the country club, because Republicans did not get the message, as they are claiming to put their foot down and say no to wasteful spending.


Driver tax illogical way to fix Mich. roads

If Michigan follows the road other states and countries are driving, motorists are going to get taxed for how much they travel. And if this is the path Michigan intends to take, then it has suddenly forgotten that while the state might not have any money, neither do its citizens.