Sunday, September 22, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



All words fragile, important to society

The omnipresence of clichés is not only a harsh reality but a troubling communicative issue. Reliance on long-standing phrases — as engrained as the Rock of Gibraltar — saps the precision and inherent novelty from any event or idea. We should keep a watchful eye on our word choice, lest we move toward an Orwellian world of simple-minded Newspeak that flattens our thoughts, damaging the quality of thought.


Safe roads needed in areas around campus

For newcomers, MSU has a large and confusing campus. It takes time on foot and behind the wheel to become comfortable navigating the terrain and learning what to expect from drivers and pedestrians. After experiencing a few close-call clashes, most become comfortable with the area.


Student expulsion harsh, teaches lesson

The Internet has become a useful and necessary tool in almost every profession. It has connected all corners, edges and points across the globe. It has opened up the avenues to accessing information, news and entertainment.


Check facts before making decision about foreign autos

In response to Ed Morrison’s letter Assess quality of foreign cars before making buying decision (2/11), Morrison attempts to rationalize his purchase of foreign products by denouncing the American automotive industry without any facts or evidence to prove his claims of technology and efficiency lagging within the American automotive industry.


Affordable tuition necessary to future 

They tell us we are the future. They talk about the unlimited potential of our generation. They remind us that if we work hard, the boundaries of what we can accomplish are almost limitless.    Then, they cut our funding. ?For years, state governments have placed a dagger in the dreams of many young people by continually making higher education a low priority, forcing universities to raise tuition.


Those who served time deserve chance

With last week’s news that Compuware CEO Peter Karmanos, Jr. hired former Detroit mayor and recently released prisoner Kwame Kilpatrick as a salesman for his Texas-based health care software subsidiary Covisint, perhaps now is an appropriate time to look at what faces those leaving prison who don’t have billionaire friends.


College of Osteopathic Medicine deserves recognition, too

Although I greatly appreciated the Page One coverage given to the College of Human Medicine expansion in Construction of Secchia Center may finish under $90M budget (SN 2/12), I wanted to gently remind you that MSU also educates physicians in the College of Osteopathic Medicine (MSUCOM).


Smoking ban should be decided by restaurants

If the state of Michigan were a business, the people running it would have sold the place by now. The state would proudly display signs reading “Under New Ownership” across its borders. Recently foreclosed homes would present big savings to bargain-hunting buyers.


Good samaritans, helpful citizens still out there

On Saturday I was walking from my house north of campus to eat at Shaw Hall. It snowed the previous night and as a result was very slippery outside. I embarrassingly slipped and fell, and unknown to me, both my iPod and my house/car keys fell out of my pocket of my jacket.