Sunday, September 22, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



Images of Israeli conflicts skewed

After illegally occupying territory for more than 40 years, killing thousands of civilians in its frequent military offensives, ignoring constant resolutions from the United Nations, and habitually imprisoning and starving an entire population, Israel has finally admitted it has a problem. But not a policy problem — an image problem.


Limit residence hall renovations to cut costs

It’s a common sight in many MSU residence halls — large, open space lounge areas that look even larger with no people using them. There are tables and couches and sometimes even a TV, but rarely people. Even in the recently renovated Snyder and Phillips halls, often there are no bodies to fill the new leather couches and chairs.


Making Mich smokefree a matter of health

As a state representative for the Lansing area, I have to disagree with the position The State News editorial board took in its editorial Smoking ban should be decided by restaurants (SN 2/16). The editorial board missed the main point of smoke-free legislation: Keeping workers healthy, plain and simple.


Wasteful spending builds bridges to nowhere for MSU

MSU employee Charlotte Wilks knows firsthand that railroad crossings can be dangerous. She once saw a fellow employee climb between the cars of a stopped train near her laboratory in the Life Sciences Building. The employee’s daughter had gotten sick while in day care on the other side of the tracks.


Pay cuts necessary for elected officials

Everyone across the country is telling Michigan the same thing: Sacrifices must be made. Michigan has been portrayed as Uncle Sam’s disobedient, immature, thumb-sucking nephew. The other 49 nephews and nieces are stubborn, going through the growing pains of a degenerating superpower.


Taking year off not financially beneficial

Taking a year off before enrolling in college can be viewed as either a significant challenge or an opportunity depending on how the student plans to spend the year. However, a recent proposal by President Barack Obama could give students added incentive to wait.


Choices on St. Patrick's Day up to student

As students go green for St. Patrick’s Day celebrations, they shouldn’t forget to go to class today or Wednesday, either. It is every student’s right to do what they please with their money — and let’s be honest, there is a tremendous amount of deals today at bars across East Lansing.


Cell research debates miss out on facts

Political discourse in our country, sadly, is often no better than what one would find in middle school children, where the shortage is not in the quantity of opinions, but in concrete facts on which to base those opinions. It is far easier for politicians to resort to demagoguery and rhetoric than to actually educate themselves on the issues they face.


Cure for diabetes finally in sight

Almost two years ago, I wrote a column in The State News about a few days I spent in Washington, D.C., with 150 kids and teens with type 1 diabetes who were advocating for federal funding for a cure.


Scholarship changes should consider all classes

The U.S. middle class has felt the crunch of college for many years. With middle class students being too well off for federal financial aid but without the ability to pay for college without taking out loans, more assistance has been needed for a while — but any actions to improve the middle class situation must take the rest of society into account.