Sunday, September 22, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



Weekend celebrations handled well by police

The tear gas canisters remained untouched and night sticks rested safely on police officers’ belts Saturday night following the MSU men’s basketball team’s 82-73 victory against Connecticut to advance to the NCAA Championship.


U.S. health care must be revolutionized

Bonnie Erbe, a blogger for U.S. News & World Report, made a typical case against universal health care in a February 2008 entry. She argued, “the only reason Canada’s health care system works, for example, is that 90 percent of Canadians live within 100 miles of the U.S. border and they come here for urgent needs.”


Izzone ticket fiasco handled poorly by SAF, Izzone directors

Dear Student Alumni Foundation and Izzone directors: I understand that it was the ticket-selling company that screwed up the distribution of the MSU Final Four tickets initially, but I and a great many other perturbed Izzone faithful demand an apology for the bungling of the entire situation.


COGS election needs to be redone to ensure fair votes

With regard to the article, Members still concerned about graduate student group election 3/26), The State News reported on the Council of Graduate Students, or COGS, election of officers meeting, at which a controversial document pertaining to then-President Manish Madan was distributed immediately prior to voting.


E.L. police should take more actions to alleviate traffic

I am an MSU employee. With road construction taking place on US-127, I-496, Mount Hope Road, Farm Lane and I am sure a myriad of other sites, the only way I can access my work location on Service Road is via those intersections. More drivers are taking the same route, due to those road construction projects. Add to these “obstacles” the trains that go through the same intersections during 8 a.m., noon and 5 p.m.


New philosophy of economics needed

Of all the seismic events of 2008 — bailout into collapse, foreclosure into bankruptcy, rich into poor — the most far-reaching, brings discredit to the very foundations of our economic thought. Much like in 1929 or 1945, it appears that 2008 will be a reference point for future historians, signifying the end of a discrete era.


Lack of jobs goes back to poor mortgages

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported recently that unemployment is at the highest rate in 26 years. MSU students have felt the impact as fewer recruiters come to campus and less positions are offered.


Izzone members deserve to be at Final Four

MSU’s victory against Louisville for a position in the Final Four naturally caused excitement among Izzone members. As a reward for their dedication to the MSU men’s basketball team — camping out for season tickets, standing throughout the duration of games and coming up with a variety of loud, colorful cheers — the Izzone had a chance to purchase tickets to Saturday’s national semifinal game in Detroit against the University of Connecticut.


Learning proper online behavior must start early

The Internet has provided a convenient yet often misunderstood veil for this generation. It allows scholars to research scores of articles with the click of a button. It has been at the forefront of globalization, bridging the gap between different cultures and societies that beforehand would have been tamed by national borders.


Economy needs stable health care system

Putting people back to work. Getting our economy moving again. Creating the jobs of tomorrow. These are all slogans we’ve been hearing lately, but none of it can happen without a healthy and vibrant work force.