Sunday, September 22, 2024

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Bicyclists have same rights on road as vehicles in Mich.

Zack Colman’s advice to bicyclists in the column Bicyclists Need to Stay on Sidewalk (SN 4/9) is wrongheaded to the point that, if followed, it will greatly increase the chances of dangerous accidents. According to Michigan law, bicyclists have the same right as motorized vehicles to roads in the state, along with the same obligations to follow traffic rules.


Mayor congratulates students on celebrating with class

Today, I am so very proud to call myself a Spartan and to count myself among your number. I am particularly pleased because this past Saturday and Monday we demonstrated that Spartans can and do celebrate success responsibly. Spartans fans clearly were intent on observing the outstanding achievements of our basketball team as opposed to gathering for the purpose of creating a disturbance.


Civil discourse must be based in science

I write to clarify a number of incorrect statements made by Bruce Friedrich, vice president of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, or PETA, in the column Animal activists encourage discussion (SN 4/8).


Obama would not compromise Notre Dame beliefs

The University of Notre Dame is known for its pride as a prestigious Catholic university. Its public digression against abortion and stem cell research, along with other issues that tie in with core Catholic values, has seemed to make its political opinions known throughout the nation.


PETA does not actually care about treatment of animals

I was disappointed to see the column Animal activists encourage discussion (SN 4/8) by a People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, or PETA, spokesperson in The State News. Even their own logo minimizes the “e,” perhaps as an inside joke that there is nothing ethical about them. PETA’s only interest is in making a profit, and they have found that suckering well-meaning people who like animals is a good way to do it.


Bicyclists need to stay on sidewalk

Black 2001 Saturn SC2. That’s the car I drive — and if you’re a bicyclist on the road but not in a bike path and you see my car, I hope you’re wearing a helmet, because I might run you over. Maybe not intentionally.


Basketball team’s return deserved more attention

The MSU Department of Intercollegiate Athletics let down our men’s basketball team. What should have been a raucous gathering to celebrate one of the most historic and highest-achieving seasons in Spartan history was instead a pitiful gathering of those lucky enough to be in the right place at the right time Tuesday morning at Breslin Center.


Animal activists encourage discussion

As a vice president for policy and government affairs at People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, or PETA, I have debated animal protection issues around the world, frequently engaging with representatives from the meat, fur, animal-experimentation and circus industries.


Closing Gitmo helps U.S. image

On Jan. 22, President Barack Obama made an influential decision early in his reign as the nation’s leader. Separating his administration from that of the President George W. Bush era, Obama made the executive order to close down the Guantanamo Bay military prison by the end of the year.


Basketball took minds off dark times in Mich.

Win or lose, the MSU men’s basketball team has done the virtually unthinkable. For the first time in months, it isn’t our automobile industry hogging the headlines. The national media is here for a different reason than to bash the state for not evolving, or being unresponsive to consumer demands.


Celebrating accomplishments does not need to include riots

I have been attending MSU athletic events for roughly 60 years. I was born and raised five minutes from campus and I graduated from MSU in 1963. I am a volunteer at the NCAA Basketball Final Four in Detroit at Ford Field, and I was there as the team took the floor. I listened to the crowd as they supported the Spartans and then celebrated as the team left the floor to prepare for the championship.