Sunday, September 22, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



New options needed for war on drugs

If the U.S federal government wants to make progress in the war on drugs, it should abandon its policy of prohibition in favor of a policy of legalization. Legalization has become, as the Economist puts it, the “least bad” option.


Increased autism awareness needed

The happiest day of my life didn’t even happen to me. There he was, my younger brother, walking across the stage to get his high school diploma. He was wearing the same green robe I had just one year before, walking across the same stage I had just the year before, showing a smile so wide it wrapped around the back of his head.


Responsibility still necessary for student-athletes

MSU is a school known for its sports. The cry of fans on and off campus is loud and proud, with our alma mater sprawled across our clothing as we let a “Go green! Go white!” escape from our lips. It’s no wonder student-athletes would be deemed the top of the food chain, given benefits like free tutoring and special centers for them to further their athletic and academic success.


Recent musical performance deserved attention, coverage

I couldn’t help but notice that a recent concert was not reported and was ignored by The State News. Last Thursday, Awesome Color opened for Dinosaur Jr. at The Small Planet, 16800 Chandler Road. I find this quite disappointing, as Dinosaur Jr. was one of the most influential bands of the ’80s and ’90s.


Addictions to pain meds concerning

The patient sat in her chair, tears streaming down her face. She had tried everything. “Nothing can make the pain in my back go away,” she said, yelling, “except those pills!” She was sure she was not addicted.


More time needed to reduce racial inequalities

The United States prides itself on diversity, of being a land of many peoples — yet racial inequality is still rampant. And even after this nation elected its first minority president in Barack Obama on Nov. 4, 2008, we still have large differences in the treatment of minorities and whites.


Campus forums necessary to engage in agriculture issues

The opportunity for a civil, equally balanced campuswide forum which MSU College of Agriculture and Natural Resources Dean Jeffery Armstrong mentioned in the column Civil discourse must be based in science (SN 4/10) is an educational experience I would welcome.


Bicyclists need to stay on the road

White 2009 Motobecane Fantom Cross Uno. That’s the bike I ride — and if you’re a motorist on the road and plan on running me over, I hope you have a good lawyer, because I might sue you. Intentionally.


Bicyclists need to abide by same road rules as drivers

While driving on campus Friday I noticed there were a lot of bicyclists on the streets. Then I remembered the protest to take back the streets in response to the column Bicyclists need to stay on sidewalk (SN 4/9) that I had seen advertised by sidewalk chalking.


Animal rights extend past dogs and cats

Debating animal rights is never an easy conversation, especially when the detractor happens to be chowing down on a turkey or ham sandwich during the debate. When your lunch is your opposition, it’s hard to feel sympathy. But the central question we need to ask ourselves is, “Is an animal a person?”