Sunday, September 22, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



Time of year brings thoughts of future

Watching my former resident mentor deliver the commencement speech for his graduation, I couldn’t help but wonder what challenges I will face in my next two years before I become part of what he called “an unbroken line of distinguished alumni.”


Alcohol providers deserve blame in death

A lawsuit stemming from a 2005 car crash could bring a measure of liability to people who provide alcohol to minors. In March 2005, five people, including two who were MSU students at the time, were involved in supplying alcohol to Alexander Hamil, a 19-year-old Marshall, Mich., resident.


War not right place for irony

There’s a group of people on campus that you might not know much about. They don’t belong to any formal association, but their presence is noticeable. Are you reading this in Espresso Royale? Do you see a lot of wool clothing? Watch out, you’re surrounded by them. In fact, if you’re drinking coffee and reading a college newspaper opinion column, you might be one yourself. They’re hipsters.


Unionization will lead to a better education, MSU

MSU’s nontenured faculty likely will start the process of unionizing after approving a new proposal. Faculty members voted Friday to pursue the possibility of unionizing in hopes of bringing more job security to faculty members without tenure. MSU has smartly supported their potential to unionize, even though it could end up costing the university money.


Receipt is more than just paper

Are you one of those people who get a coffee at Sparty’s, uses their credit card, and then ignores taking the receipt? Are you one of those people who buys gas with cash and then drives away without even wanting a receipt? Or are you one of those people who feels that speed is more important than waiting a second to receive that little slip of paper that is completely worthless in your life?


Public deserves to know Sotomayor's positions

While there is still a lot to be decided in Washington, D.C., the U.S. could be on the verge of appointing its first Hispanic justice to the Supreme Court. President Barack Obama nominated New York appellate Judge Sonia Sotomayor to replace outgoing Justice David Souter, which could finally bring change to a court that sorely lacks diversity.


Assisted suicide not real answer

If you could choose the day you die, would you? A woman in Washington did just that, becoming the first person to take advantage of Washington’s assisted suicide law last week.


Republicans must look to core values

The Republican Party has received flack from the media and the left for being too “conservative,” while on the other hand there are those who are considered “conservative” stating that the party is becoming too moderate.


Calif. court ruling unfortunate, correct

Protesters are lining up in Lansing and other cities around the country — all for a proposal from California’s state elections last November. Proposition 8, which passed in the election, outlawed same-sex marriage throughout the state and later became subject to a state Supreme Court review.


University has right to shut down student group

It might seem like a contradiction that there could be Democrat student groups at Jerry Falwell’s Christian Liberty University. Well, there were. The private university recently shut down its only liberal student organization, the College Democrats.


Gaming intrinsic to college life

Since I’ve been old enough to remember, I’ve suckled at the teat of technology. While my parents were raising my sister, I was being incubated by the warm glow of my television. But I wasn’t raised on cable TV; I was raised on Nintendo.


Michigan blurred under media lens

The past few years have obviously been bad ones for Michigan. Thousands of auto-related jobs have been and continue to be eliminated, the financial crisis poured salt in our wounds and our largest city is giving Chicago a run for its money in the competition for the most corrupt city government award.


Credit card act works to protect students

President Barack Obama signed a bill Friday that is going to change the way the credit card industry treats young people. The Credit Card Accountability, Responsibility and Disclosure Act, or CARD Act, is a bill introduced by Sen. Chris Dodd, D-Conn., that will bring protection to students seeking their first credit card, among others.


Democrats must avoid arrogance

Two weeks ago, after 29 years as a Republican senator, Arlen Specter crossed the aisle and became a Democrat. This action alone, which gives the Democrats a potentially filibuster-free majority in the Senate, isn’t even the most interesting part. That distinction goes to the reason why.


Health care proposal shows promise for future

State Sen. Tom George, R-Kalamazoo, has introduced a piece of legislation that, if passed, could change how the state and maybe even the country views health care. In an attempt to help quell the rising cost of insurance, the bill could potentially provide state-funded health care for half of Michigan’s 1.2 million citizens who aren’t insured, according to George.


Campus fine art show deserving of coverage

It is 6:15 p.m. I have been working all day at the university and I am tired. I would like to go home to at least eat dinner and relax a bit before I mow the lawn, but I do have to comment on the front page article of Monday’s issue of The State News.


Katrina effects still being felt

In 2005, Hurricane Katrina hit the Ninth Ward of New Orleans and the surrounding areas. Even though it has been almost four years since one of the most damaging hurricanes in our nation’s history occurred, its after-effects will be around for many more to come.


Biblical quotes on reports disrespectful

The George W. Bush administration is still suffering public relations problems even though it is no longer holds the presidential office. The cover sheets for several intelligence reports, which were circulated to high-ranking Pentagon officials including former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, have been revealed to have contained biblical quotations and were occasionally accompanied by pictures of military personnel.