Sunday, September 22, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



Remnant discovery undercut by MSU's planned demolitions

If “excavations are precautionary measures to ensure historical remnants on campus are not destroyed,” according to the article Remnants of MSU’s 1st building found (SN 9/24), I sure hope the archeology department is on the job the day Morrill Hall gets demolished.


Cultural misogyny must be discarded

With the onset of a widely popularized movie “I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell,” and its ever-so-delicate quote, “Deaf girls can’t hear you coming,” I find it pertinent to discuss our culture’s density when it comes to sexual assault.


Increasing Friday classes doesn't benefit students

In a move to reduce scheduling conflicts for students, MSU is looking to add more Friday classes because, as MSU Provost Kim Wilcox put it, “As class sections become fewer, we can’t afford class conflicts. … Let’s get back to the standard schedule that we all agreed upon.”


Greenpeace calls for action on global climate change

The State News has a great tradition of reporting on news that directly affects the student population. In that spirit, I want to bring attention to the local problem of global climate change. With ice caps melting and glaciers receding, hurricanes threatening our southern cities and historic wildfires ravaging the West Coast, climate change poses great challenges to our security and the very stability of our nation.


Student Government responds to portrayal in SN cartoon

As the Student Assembly chairperson of ASMSU, I felt it was my responsibility to write in response to the opinion cartoon that was published on Wednesday. I feel it is important to let students know the truth behind the ASMSU team building and leadership retreat by explaining why and where we had it, as well as what it has done and will continue to do for our student government.


Bridge Card audit should benefit students

Four state representatives have proposed an audit of the Bridge Card system in an attempt to stop what they consider fraud: Students claiming to have “low-income” status while still being listed as a dependent on their parents’ tax returns.


Women's sports deserve support

In no way did I expect to see what I did during my travels this past weekend. Fishnets, helmets, skirts and knee pads were abound when my friends and I stumbled upon a large crowd Friday night.


Freedom demands Patriot Act repeal

The State News editorial board recently commented on the upcoming Patriot Act renewal (Patriot Act deserves review before renewal SN 9/21), saying that it deserves to be reviewed. I agree and will do the dirty work to state why it should be abandoned altogether for the preservation of our rights.


Diverse voices fuel democracy

With the state of Michigan in the middle of a very difficult budget crisis with no clear, long-term solution on the horizon, news media outlets are full of differing views about what our state’s leaders must do to secure Michigan’s financial footing for the future.