Sunday, September 22, 2024

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City attorney responds to column's accusations

On Sept. 15, I reported to the East Lansing City Council on a favorable outcome in the case of Phil Bellfy v. East Lansing Historic District Commission. I recently read a guest column published in The State News, City misrepresents outcome of lawsuit (SN 10/5), wherein Mr. Bellfy claims I misrepresented the outcome of this lawsuit in my report to council, misinterpreted the decision and simply lied to City Council in my report. That accusation is absolutely false and I would like to set the record straight.


Justice must not be vengeance

If a government executes an innocent person, is it murder? It’s a question that has been troubling me for a few weeks, ever since I read about the tragic story of Cameron Todd Willingham.


MSU must overcome hurtful language

After two years of college, I did not think I still would be hearing phrases such as, “That’s so gay,” or, “This is so retarded,” on campus. I almost feel like I am back in high school, where I heard these sayings all the time.


Nobel committee jumps gun with Peace Prize

When President Barack Obama was campaigning last year, many compared him to do-gooders such as Dr. Martin Luther King, Mother Teresa and Nelson Mandela. The hope among many was that, one day, he would be listed among those great figures.


Journalists can't avoid shaping news

This just in: News is not objective. Don’t get me wrong; for the most part, news stories are objective in nature, but not the objective described by Merriam-Webster, as “expressing or dealing with facts or conditions as perceived without distortion by personal feelings, prejudices or interpretations.”


Students deserve to know who's teaching

As we matriculate through the halls of MSU, it is almost assured that we will sit in a class taught by a teaching assistant, or TA. There is no doubt in our minds that TAs are invaluable resources. They free up time for professors to plan classes and pursue additional professional development opportunities.


Hollywood values shown in reactions

In the past week, I’ve had a strong inclination to dust off my old copy of Roman Polanski’s 1974 classic, “Chinatown.” I’ll admit it — Polanski’s recent arrest has brought the film back to my immediate attention. But the film is still great. And the more I think about it, the more I’ve felt a recent kinship with the film’s protagonist, Detective Jake Gittes, played by Jack Nicholson.


Foreign Olympics show off world

Last week, despite a buzzer shot by Chicago’s dream team — starting lineup: Michelle and Barack Obama and Oprah Winfrey — the Windy City lost its bid to host the 2016 Olympic and Paralympic Games to Rio de Janeiro.


City misrepresents outcome of lawsuit

In the article “City Center II still could move forward” (SN 9/16), the mayor of East Lansing, Vic Loomis, is quoted as saying: “The integrity of our process had been challenged … and we withstood that challenge.”


Mich. legislature needs to admit broken promise

In the past few months, no shortage of ink has been spilled concerning the elimination of the Michigan Promise Scholarship. As soon as it became clear the scholarship could be put on the state budget’s chopping block, politicians, university officials and students all entered a heated controversy about its possible termination.