Sunday, September 22, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



Unveiling of new Spartan logo raises many questions

As a long-time MSU alumnus who closely follows and supports both academics and athletics, I find the recent news of a logo change perplexing, largely because of what hasn’t been explained. While I don’t particularly care for the new logo as published reports have shown it, I’m not ready to set my hair (at least what’s left of it) on fire over this as many Internet commentators appear ready to do.


New tax should make tanners think twice

We’ve all heard it as many times as we can count. Frequent tanning is quite possibly the Antichrist for your skin. Whether you are a man or a woman, middle-aged or just entering middle school, your skin will signify how well (or poorly) you treat it when it comes to sun damage.


Changing Spartan logo bad idea, unfair to MSU community

I believe that the new MSU logo is not only a mistake but is unfair to the tradition that recent MSU attendees as well as alumni live by. As a freshman at MSU, I know that a big reason I came to this university is because of the traditions and past accomplishments of MSU.


Pop culture decade defined by absurd

So the 1980s gave us Madonna, horrible perms and “The Breakfast Club,” while the 1990s supplied us with as many boy band songs as our ears could handle and proved that Jerry Seinfeld really could be funny creating a show about nothing. But what will stick in the pop culture record book from the first 10 years of the new millennium?


Partisanship has no place in Haiti crisis

More than a week has passed since disaster struck Haiti and its people. International aid has poured in from even some of the poorest countries to provide relief. Extensive coverage of the earthquake’s damage has shown us the true devastation the Haitian people are facing.


Military policies tarnish U.S. image

When I turned on the 24-hour news stations during winter break, I expected to hear the usual rabble about violence in the Middle East and low holiday sales, but instead I was shocked to stumble across what the military somehow viewed as a good idea — jailing women who become pregnant on duty in Iraq.


Editorial board's complaints ill-informed, miss the mark

I have come to expect over the years that most anything published by the editorial board at The State News will display an amateurish and incomplete understanding of the issue at hand, and Friday’s editorial regarding the ongoing Michigan/Grand River Ave. Transportation Study is no exception (“Transportation study should lead to action,” SN 1/15).


Esch's letter overly critical

The recent letter to the editor, 2010 column riddled with errors and inaccuracies (SN 1/14), was the most hate-filled letter I have ever read in a newspaper.


Decisions impact our reputation

There is a 14th century parable about a well-respected blind philosopher whose reputation was “accidentally” tarnished by a mistake that he did not “see” coming.


Greek community must do more to raise awareness

MSU’s greek community is turning a new page this semester following recent alcohol-related deaths of two MSU fraternity members Ryan Rosman and Brian McMillen. The greek community has said all of its members will engage in drug and alcohol abuse prevention plans and in-house awareness programs, as well as revising their social policies in response to the tragedies.


Opinion writing can't be just fluff

For those of you who pick up on it, forgive me my blatant hypocrisy in this column. Maybe it’s my general life-skepticism, my hyper critical view of the world, or my pure and genuine disdain for the current state of our society as a function of the marriage of individual delinquency and group complacency, but my reading of opinion columns seems to be highlighting, in small doses, what tends to be wrong with people these days.