Sunday, September 22, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



America must focus on clean energy solutions

America’s dependence on foreign oil hurts our economy, subsidizes hostile regimes overseas and puts our national security at risk. Rather than continuing to send billions overseas for Middle Eastern oil, new clean energy policies mean spending that money here at home on clean energy sources that will create new jobs, build new industries and make us more secure.


Campaign finance ruling significant

On Jan. 21, a huge change that likely will affect all of the MSU community, past and present, was announced. Within hours, local and national news outlets ran stories about this potentially game-changing announcement.


City Center II should move forward after tax payment

It’s no secret that the State News editorial board hasn’t been pleased with how the City Center II project has been handled in the past, but recent project developments are giving the city of East Lansing an opportunity to buckle down and finally push forward.


New Spartan logo exudes evil

The sinister eyes of the new logo are abhorrent. We all understand the virtue of toughness. Clean, honest competition is a defining value of our culture.


'Game change' just more of the same

The recently released book “Game Change: Obama and the Clintons, McCain and Palin, and the Race of a Lifetime” not only has become a New York Times bestseller, but also has been the subject of national discussion.


Tradition should trump money in MSU-Nike deal

Why would MSU athletics throw away years of tradition for an ugly new logo? Because it’s all about the money. Apparently those in the athletics department do not care about throwing away something that all Spartans fans hold dear. When several online polls show that 84 percent to 94 percent of fans disapprove of the change, it’s obvious that the people have spoken. But is the athletics department listening?


Izzo incorrect; new logo should respect tradition

I would like to respond to head coach Tom Izzo’s comments on the new logo made in Monday’s article from entitled “Izzo: ‘A Brilliant Move’” by Jim Comparoni and Gillian Van Stratt. Izzo remarked, “I am so disappointed with our group of alums that are complaining about it … all of you out there that are complaining, shame on you.”


Aiding poor must be constant effort

I wrote a column in December encouraging students to continue the holiday cheer and spirit throughout the year. And as we’re coming to the bitter end of January, I have to say I’ve been pleasantly surprised at the kindness I’ve been greeted with during the new year. The amount of help I’ve seen students — and others across the nation — offer Haitians after the recent earthquake also is impressive.


Logo change assault on tradition

I am a recent graduate of MSU, an active supporter of all Spartans and a four-year alum of the Izzone. I recently heard of the news regarding the logo change and I personally feel it is a mistake.