Sunday, September 22, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



MSU should do more to stop food waste

One of the largest problems in the United States, and the next issue MSU should tackle aggressively, is food waste. The amount of food wasted every day and thrown away in the cafeterias is huge — there’s no denying that. Although the food is unlikely to go to another hungry resident of the world, it’s a huge economic waste and loss of natural resources that could be used more productively.


New legislation will simplify student loans

The passing of this legislation is a sign the government is heading in the right direction to increase the number of college graduates. The new law will allow students easier, more direct funding for college. The government is cutting out what seems like an unnecessary middleman in the form of private loan companies, which might look to make money off of students and add unneeded red tape to the lending process.


Tenants should understand their rights when renting properties

This letter is in response to several incorrect statements in an article published in The State News Housing Guide, titled “Damages charges can be prevented, minimized” (SN 2/23). It is true that tenants have an obligation to not cause damages to a rental unit before terminating the tenancy.


Bobb can't relieve all Detroit school woes

If you’ve been following the Detroit Public Schools, or DPS, you’re probably familiar with this story: DPS is a completely dysfunctional school system, run by a corrupt school board whose bungling has ruined the district’s finances and completely failed its students.


Tax on tanning industry unfortunate, logical

With luxuries such as alcohol and cigarettes already being taxed, it seems the next most plausible industry to tax is tanning. Cigarettes and alcohol can directly harm those who consume and abuse them, and those consuming these products should be well aware of the risks they are taking.


Students should have final say on referendum issue

ASMSU had created the Readership Program to run for three years. Unfortunately, the funding has not lasted that long. That was a fault in the original plan. However, it’s a plan for the students and paid for with taxes included in tuition. If ASMSU passes a tax referendum to pay for the program to continue for another year, students at MSU should be able to vote to allow it or not.


Taxing bad habits might aid Americans

Last week, The State News published an article about the health care reform bill that includes a 10 percent sales tax increase to tanning salons. It seems completely unfair to target young, beautiful pale people who want to make their bodies glisten like a bronze Greek god or goddess. Yes, they understand the health risks connected to that endless summer glow. They just want to look good. After all — is that a crime?


Dantonio right to reinstate football players

Four MSU football players have been reinstated to the team, ending months of speculation about the players’ futures at MSU. Now that these athletes have faced consequences, it’s time for the Spartan community to move on.


Use college years to explore new cultures

Being on a college campus is one of the best experiences one can have. It gives each student the opportunity not only to be educated academically, but also socially and culturally. But how many students actually will take the time to learn about other cultures that they see bits and pieces of each day?


ASMSU scholarship should aid future leaders

ASMSU members are taking steps to provide students with sorely needed funding during these uncertain economic times. Any amount of money — even $3,000 — can go far toward a person’s future. Compared to previous half-baked ASMSU expenses on student taxpayer money, this scholarship serves a much higher purpose and will have the potential to assist all students at a greater level.


Signing of health care bill historic moment for U.S.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt went down in history for by the New Deal. Ronald Reagan helped bring down communism. George W. Bush will be remembered for Sept. 11. Tuesday, President Barack Obama signed into law a massive health care reform that is likely to define his presidency for decades to come.


New health care plan will benefit everyone

By signing the massive health care reform bill into law, Obama will go down as passing one of the most epic pieces of legislation in American history, no matter how a person views it. And instead of failing and weakening his stance on other issues after making health care a top priority, Obama likely will see a little bit of a increase in support, despite all the naysayers.


Mich. Meatout Day major management mistake

It appears Granholm made a mistake by proclaiming Meatout Day, and the media blew it out of proportion. Even so, how much influence does Granholm hold on the state to tell the residents to celebrate almost trivial days such as these?


Take closer look at food you consume

While we all understand that gas-guzzling Hummers and Styrofoam are not the best when it comes to protecting Mother Nature, we neglect to comprehend that a very important and relevant part of our daily lives usually is not even thought of when prioritizing environmental sustainability.


Higher education value declining

Students repeatedly surf the Web, do homework for other classes or text message. Some professors see this as a problem and strictly prohibit the use of electronic devices in class, only to be embarrassed when their own phone rings and class is paused while he or she takes a call. Clearly, the prohibition of electronic devices is not the solution. These in-class diversions are a symptom of the actual problem: Classes aren’t engaging.


Budget cuts should be fewer for state schools

It makes no sense to use state funding for students attending a private university after high school. More state money should go to state-funded universities. Although private colleges remain a fundamental part of higher education, current economic conditions should reduce the funds allocated to students attending these institutions.


Seize opportunity to use green energy

Michigan has the perfect opportunity to transition to a cleaner, more energy efficient economy. With the American automobile industry in shambles and a lack of blue-collar jobs, now is the time to jump on the green bandwagon.