Sunday, September 22, 2024

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Race to the Top not best way to help schools

Race to the Top is a contest for money based on which states can best formulate a plan to conform to the federal government’s wishes. But the federal government doesn’t necessarily know what’s best for children’s education, and asking states to change in exchange for money rather than for what might be in the best interest of students is not right.


Outsourcing TAs hinders learning

A few universities are now outsourcing grading in a shallow attempt to provide a supposedly more thorough evaluation for students. Recently, the University of Houston has fallen into this educational debacle. With a lack of TAs in classrooms, the institution has resorted to e-mailing students’ homework to India, where their work is graded by a team of professional reviewers, educated to give a sophisticated analysis of a paper.


New smoking ban will benefit Michigan citizens

Beginning May 1, Michigan will become the 38th state to ban smoking from all workplaces, restaurants and bars. Exceptions include gambling floors of casinos, cigar bars, tobacco specialty stores, home offices and motor vehicles. This bill is a milestone in recognizing the importance of minimizing exposure to secondhand smoke for everyone.


Paddling punishment amounts to child abuse

A teen in Alabama recently was suspended for having too “skimpy” of a prom dress. Initially, this seems like a typical story and a common occurrence in the springtime when eager high school students cast away their pants and coats for shorter, more season-savvy choices. Yet the striking thing in this story is the punishment offered for the crime.


iPad has potential to change way we live

The iPad is one of the coolest things I’ve looked at and played with in the past couple of years. The new Apple gadget is so much fun to toy with, it makes me want to run out and buy one. But the iPad has to be one of the most useless new pieces of technology in a long time.


Government should crack down on unpaid internships

As the numbers of unpaid internships have grown, so have the concerns about whether employers are abiding by labor laws. The future of those internships rests on the need for new legal limitations on what is right and wrong in the unpaid workplace.


Get beyond rhetoric, take back government

As I approach the final month of my undergraduate career at MSU, like so many others, I am reminded of the things since my freshman year. The experiences I have gone through will no doubt impact the rest of my life — whether positive or negative.


Threats against governors should be taken seriously

Although the most recently publicized threats are coming from radical right-wing groups, threats come from all directions. Each threat needs to be taken seriously, regardless of political ideology. A group might not act on a threat, but law enforcement should act like the threats are real to ensure everybody’s safety.


Church actions at funeral disturbing

My brother is a United States Marine. He is a proud soldier, and although I’ve had my reservations about watching him go, I am proud of him too. So that’s why it infuriated me to read about a court ruling forcing a fallen Marine’s family to pay attorney’s costs to a church that protested its son’s funeral.


Postgame crowd celebrates quietly, responsibly

Fortunate circumstances this past weekend caused postgame activities to be less of a riot and more of a respectable gathering among students seemingly parting with riot-like ideals. Students leaving town because of Easter, partially rainy weather and the outcome of Saturday’s game left little fuel to start the Cedar Village fire Saturday night.


U.S. used excessive force against militia

My hometown of Adrian, Mich., finally gained national attention this week, thrust onto the prominent stage of fame and fortune. But it was only because of a group of militia extremists plotting to build bombs and kill police officers.


Students should vote in annual ASMSU election

We recommend students vote in the elections so the voice of the entire MSU community is heard. Everyone’s voice is needed to have the most efficient ASMSU staff. Your voice might mean a lot more than you think, and at this time of the year, ASMSU is listening.


Critics of pope, Church should examine facts

I’m finding myself more distracted this Holy Week than in years past — and it’s not just because of the basketball game. For the past few weeks, my church — the Catholic Church — has been going through a crucible of criticism. More information is coming to light about the terrible acts of sexual abuse committed by the Catholic clergy, and this time, people are calling for the pope’s head.