Marriage is about more than power
Ah, marriage. A beautiful commitment of love, a consummation of desire and the cultural recognition of two people’s coupling — how has it become so disdainful, so wrought with seclusion and denial?
Ah, marriage. A beautiful commitment of love, a consummation of desire and the cultural recognition of two people’s coupling — how has it become so disdainful, so wrought with seclusion and denial?
MSU plans to spend nearly $500,000 for a complete makeover — hair, nails, the works. Specifically, it wants to project a consistent image. To create that image, it has asked alumni across the country and world to submit stories of their contributions and accomplishments.
The proposed demolition of 110-year-old Morrill Hall is bittersweet. The $38 million project, which includes adding onto Wells Hall and renovating the Old Horticulture Building, is scheduled to begin in September, when construction on Wells is slated to start.
A student recently ran into me breathless, asking if I had spent my weekend watching, cheering and going crazy over soccer. The way he talked, I imagined it was like the second coming of Christ, Buddha, Mohammed or King Benjamin.
The idea behind MSU’s newest social networking plan, SpartanConnect, is not bad. The online service seeks to deliver “numerous links to connect with other members, students’ blogs, a personal calendar, videos and discussion forums.” As Nicole Ellison, an assistant professor in the MSU Department of Telecommunication, Information Studies and Media, points out, the service can help reduce students’ uncertainties before the semester starts.
Due to its unemployment rates, Lansing finally qualified as an EB-5 Regional Center. Essentially, it is the worst way to have a chance to attract investors. EB-5 is a designation given by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, or USCIS, to immigrants “seeking to enter the United States in order to invest in a new commercial enterprise that will benefit the U.S. economy and create at least 10 full-time jobs,” according to the USCIS website.
The State News’ reaction to the MSU Board of Trustees increasing tuition by 2.5 percent: Meh. It’s less than the original 4.9 percent proposed increase, with the rest of the increase proposed for summer of 2011. We want to be angry about it — plenty of students and their families are unhappy.
Kudos to the East Lansing City Council for passing a special use permit — a tavern license — that allows for the sale of beer and wine at What’s up Dawg?, 301 M.A.C. Ave. Granted, the license comes with a few conditions. Some of those conditions, such as a 50 percent food requirement in sales, no less than 10 food items on the menu and no service of beer after midnight, are reasonable. Others, such as security cameras and a security guard on Friday and Saturday nights, are unreasonable.
Today is a bright day for the future of MSU men’s basketball! I personally try not to assert my opinion, but this head coach Tom Izzo situation has made me crazy!
Sometimes I wonder if anyone really cares about the opinions, attitudes and feelings of students on campus. I have spoken with a number of students over spring semester and the beginning of summer semester.
As MSU’s Board of Trustees heads off to Detroit for its three-day retreat, it seems like a strange place to conduct talks about the future of the university.
The outpouring of support for MSU men’s basketball head coach Tom Izzo offers conclusive evidence that there are issues that can motivate the MSU community. It is our hope that this current level of interest in university matters will continue as the MSU Board of Trustees begins its discussions of the school’s budget.
I am giving (The State News’) “Overcome with Pride” a thumbs up for the article, but a thumbs down for the accompanying photo.
There is one thing on the mind of most Spartans fans right now: What will MSU men’s basketball head coach Tom Izzo do next? The mania has swept the area. Fans have held at least two official rallies — one at Breslin Center and another at the Marshall Street Armory in Lansing.
The East Lansing City Council has already exhausted all the iterations of “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice shame on you.” Now, it seems, council members are taking a page from The Who in an attempt to not get fooled again.
I have been a fan of MSU basketball since the days of Greg Kelser, Jay Vincent and Earvin “Magic” Johnson. I have been a fan of MSU men’s basketball head coach Tom Izzo since he started long ago as an assistant coach. Over the years, coach Izzo has again and again shown his dedication to the state and to the university in his words and actions.
When was the last time you did something for the first time? As my 20th birthday approaches, I keep finding myself thinking about “firsts.” Every year of my life, I try to accomplish as many firsts as I can. This summer, my first internship has filled up my days.
Michigan legislators are once again playing politics at a time when there are more pressing concerns. Several legislators last week said disagreements over whether to include language requiring Michigan universities to report information about research done with human embryonic cells delayed passage of the state House’s higher education budget bill.
After the installation of “The Funambulist” in the courtyard between Snyder and Phillips halls, we raised the question of whether MSU was picking art pieces based on their contemporary status instead of how they contributed to the campus aesthetic. However, in choosing the type of tree to place around Demonstration Field, university officials have created a reasonable criterion by which to judge future changes to campus.
It’s fantastic to have another incredible Pride season before us. It has become a fixture of the Lansing community, helping our economy, strengthening the bonds of community and healing old wounds of misunderstanding and bias.