Saturday, September 21, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



Voter registration only the first step in process

Simply put, the right to vote is an essential feature of any democratic government. Another essential — although less acknowledged — factor, is that the more people who vote, the more likely the candidate or policies will represent the entirety of the interests of the constituents. Of course, the point is moot if one is not registered to vote.


The truth will help us overcome

I wasn’t surprised to hear Matt Lauer proclaim he was “shocked” on NBC’s “Today” show when he talked to Shirley Sherrod about her resignation from the U.S. Department of Agriculture in July over alleged racist comments. He could not believe the “garbage” said about her would lead both the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, or NAACP, and the White House to demand her resignation without any confirmation.


New era of ASMSU should be one of collaboration

In any story about undergraduate student government at MSU, there will almost always be this sentence, “ASMSU is MSU’s undergraduate student government.” It’s there because without it the reader might not know the function of ASMSU.


Fraternity responds to MSU Alumnus' critical letter

When it came to the attention of at the Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity that a social gathering titled “The Freshman ‘Fifth’teen” appeared to give a misleading impression, the decision was made to immediately cancel the event without question or hesitation.


More time needed to consider plan

Everyone in the nation, especially residents of Michigan, can appreciate the idea of repairs and upgrades to roads and other forms of transportation. Ill-kept roads have become a common sight to many, and to see the infrastructure of the U.S. transportation system in such a state can be worrisome.


BIlls facing death in legislature worth saving

Two bills that could have a significant impact on MSU students might die Dec. 31 before being able to make a change. One of the bills proposes that the East Lansing Secretary of State office, 400 Albert Ave., and the Lansing Secretary of State office, 108 S. Washington Square, merge to combine a SUPER!Center in the Frandor shopping center.


Burden of actions not Jones' alone

I’m pretty sure everyone has heard of The Rev. Terry Jones “International Burn-a-Quran Day.” The event — by all indications more local than international — is scheduled for this Saturday to mark the ninth anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.


Program substitutes information for interaction

A new program offered by the MSU police gives students attending Spartan football games the opportunity to alert the department of crimes with an anonymous text message. Though the idea of communication between police and public should be encouraged, it’s hard to think of a situation in which texting the police station would be more appropriate than a call.


Reader expresses dismay at editorial board's 'arrogance'

I was dismayed at the arrogance displayed in the editorial “Punishment for pie-thrower should be tempered (SN 9/01).” Not only did The State News editorial board members demonstrate their ignorance towards the specifics of (anthropology senior Ahlam) Mohsen’s case, but additionally demonstrated their ignorance toward social justice movements and activism more broadly.


MSU helps refine abstinence sex-ed

In high school, I remember health class teaching sex education with a specific set of phrases such as, “Say no,” “You could die before the age of 25” and “Children are forever.” Safe sex was promoted to cover all the bases, but abstinence was the main push in a classroom full of hormonal teenagers who recently discovered themselves.


Viewing MSU in different light

For as long as I can remember, the MSU spirit has been ingrained in my system. Both of my parents graduated from MSU, and I’ve spent most of my life living very close to campus. I’ve always cheered for the Spartans during college football games. However, now that I’m starting classes as a freshman, I’m realizing MSU has so much more to offer.


Health care plans are what the doctor ordered

ASMSU has started the 2010 fall semester on a serious note. MSU’s undergraduate student government has put together health care packages for MSU students based on the individual health care needs and budgets of students.


MSU Alumnus: fraternity event was not a good idea

Lambda Chi Alpha posted a party on Facebook called the “Freshman ‘Fifth’teen.” As members of the greek community have suffered grievous injury and death due to binge drinking, they do lip service to the idea of responsible drinking with no change.


A guide to taming 'blur' on campus

The first days of classes are a blur for everyone. One of the major reasons for this is the disastrous combination of speeds ranging from “Fast and Furious” to “Driving Miss Daisy” on campus and Grand River Avenue.


Report important, but not the be-all, end-all

In a recent college ranking study published by U.S. News & World Report, MSU was ranked last out of all the colleges currently in the Big Ten Conference. When it’s phrased that way, it sounds pretty awful, and kind of demeaning. But in most cases, the MSU experience is not one that can be captured by a number.


A chance to opine about your mind

It’s the beginning of the semester, so that must mean I’m writing a column about becoming a guest columnist for The State News. The gist is simple — so simple, in fact, I am going to paraphrase it from the column I wrote in the summer.


Punishment for pie-thrower should be tempered

As part of a protest, anthropology senior Ahlam Moshen alledgedly hit U.S. Sen. Carl Levin, D-Mich., in the face with a pie. There are the traditional sit-in’s, marches and other peaceful ways to make a point, but a pie in the face? Not so much.