Saturday, September 21, 2024

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Ruling a win for gay community

Throughout the latter half of September, Capitol Hill was divided more than usual. Democrats and Republicans squared off over the National Defense Authorization Act, a bill that would have ended the U.S. military’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” or DADT, policy.


Divisions do not dictate character

Last Saturday’s football game against the University of Michigan brought out intense rivalries across the state — my home was no different. Like many, I live in a “house divided” because my siblings attend U-M.


For the moment, e-books lacking in convenience

In the age of the iPad and all things digital, it only seems natural that our traditional textbooks are making their way online in the form of e-books. Open-source e-books in particular, which are free and available online for anyone to use, offer up a compelling alternative to old-school textbooks, but do they really have the potential to be a serious contender?


Sexual assault should not be a 'normal' occurrence at MSU

It’s a sad and unfortunate thing that college campuses are such a hotbed for sexual assault. The story of an alleged sexual assault that allegedly involved two MSU basketball players broke two weeks ago. The most disturbing thing about it was the number of people who told me they were not surprised.


'Natural' a relief from 'good hair'

Chemical-straight is how I’ve worn my hair, or how the world has deemed it socially acceptable for my hair to be worn, since the tender age of 10. Naturally, my head is a combustion of thick and kinky coarseness the color of brownish-red wool that my own mother, blessed with what some would call “good hair,” could never seem to manage.


Now is the time for a fall break

A lot of discussion throughout the past years has focused on a time of year when students and faculty alike become burned-out by the length of the semester and its lack of any kind of a break. When the university was on the quarter system, there was little talk of breaks.


Breathalyzers in bars would accomplish little

Asking drinkers to check themselves before wrecking their driving record, car and lives is always an excellent idea. That must be the reason behind several area bars near the University of Illinois purchasing machines that would allow patrons to measure their Blood Alcohol Content, or BAC.


Apathy is not a solution for complex problems

Michigan’s gubernatorial elections are three weeks away.The first and only scheduled debate between candidates Rick Snyder and Virg Bernero was Sunday night and no matter who ends up winning, the impact on the state will be substantial.


Obama governs like a professor

You are a banker. During the course of your 100-hour workweek and countless meetings comes a free moment. You get a glass of water, take a walk past a few cubicles and see the flat-screen TV you pass everyday on the way to your office. Time to watch; you only have 30 minutes for lunch.


Use of government money should only be for essentials

As a rule, I rarely agree with anything that is published on The State News’ editorial page. However, I was initially encouraged when I read the first two lines of the editorial regarding the use of Electronic Benefit Transfer, or Bridge Cards (“EBT legislation doesn’t get at root of problem,” SN 10/7), which talked about how state Sen. Bill Hardiman’s, R-Kentwood, bill to restrict the use of Bridge Cards at casinos made sense.


Handling of case inept, arrogant

A woman reported an alleged on-campus sexual assault in Wonders Hall which reportedly occurred between Aug. 29 and Aug.30. According to the police report, after meeting in the hall lobby, the individuals invited the woman to their dorm roo


ASMSU has right idea, but needs better execution

ASMSU’s “Higher Education, Higher Priority” rally Oct. 22 at the Capitol is, in theory, a step in the right direction. It’s a way to capture the attention and exposure for the name and message of ASMSU. There is a slight problem: The budget was approved and finalized by both houses on Sept. 29.


Hunting not on the way out yet

A little more than a week ago, The New York Times ran a story about a Colorado teen and his waning love for hunting. The article used his personal story to lead into a suggestion that hunting was losing its appeal, particularly among young people.


EBT legislation doesn't get at root of problem

When one looks at the legislation proposed by state Sen. Bill Hardiman, R-Kentwood, to prohibit withdrawing money with an Electronic Benefit Transfer, or Bridge Card, from ATMs in Michigan’s 22 operating casinos, it immediately makes sense.