Saturday, September 21, 2024

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Columnist misrepresented the role of zoos in society

I was deeply saddened and shocked to read Mitch Goldsmith’s rail against our local public zoo in Tuesday’s paper (“Vote ‘no’ on zoo millage extension” SN 11/2). As a zoology student — with the goal of becoming a zookeeper in just such a zoo — I hate to think this is the image the general public holds about these facilities.


Arizona's law should worry us

Arizona’s infamous new immigration law was written and paid for by private prison corporations. The law — SB 1070 — requires law enforcement officials in Arizona to detain anyone who cannot prove his or her citizenship.


Vote 'no' on zoo millage extension

Today voters will decide whether to support a millage for Lansing’s Potter Park Zoo. The proposed millage would extend the current Ingham County property tax and raise millions for the local zoo. Without those millions “the Potter Park Zoo cannot survive,” according to Potter Park Zoo Board President Rick Kibbey.


Tea party shows its true colors

As we get closer to Election Day and the rate of political gaffes and scandals peaks, the voting public has been given the opportunity to observe more reasons why no one on the face of this earth ever should vote for a Tea Party member.


Breslin, McNamara provide balance to board

There are two open seats on MSU’s Board of Trustees, with two Democratic and two Republican candidates running for election. No matter who wins, the majority of board members will be Democrats. Even if that is the case, MSU needs to be made priority.


Ban on 'Four Loko' would be crazy

Nine college students in the state of Washington ended up in the hospital earlier this month. Allegedly, they were so sick hospital employees believed they had been drugged. But as it turns out, they had not been drugged at all but had been drinking Four Loko — and evidently way too much of it.


Whitmer's views on education, jobs practical

MSU law student Kyle Haubrich said he thinks people need a choice in this year’s state Senate race in the 23rd District, which includes MSU and East Lansing. He’s right, but in the contest between Haubrich, a Republican, and state Sen. Gretchen Whitmer, D-East Lansing, going with the hometown girl is the best bet.


Columnist's restrictions on speech would be harmful

In his Oct. 26 column “Terror speech is not free speech” (SN 10/26), Craig Gunn expresses some opinions that I find, quite frankly, rather alarming. But that is his right. Our First Amendment rights give everyone the opportunity to state their opinions on any number of subjects — including the opinion that others should not have this right.


Improperly used antibiotics threaten humans and livestock

A pressing issue in the scientific world many people are unaware of is the overuse of antibiotics in feed animals. Approximately 80 percent of antibiotics produced in the U.S. each year are used for preventative measures to keep livestock from becoming ill, according to a study published in 2002 by Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.


Time to lose sense of entitlement

There are few things we agree on in American politics. Much of that is a good thing. Our Founding Fathers crafted our democracy so opposing viewpoints would need to compromise in order to move forward.


State News, letter writer lack perspective, objectivity

I am writing to express my disagreement with a recently published letter (“Protestors at Friday’s Izzone Campout were in the wrong,” SN 10/26), regarding the demonstration held by the Coalition Against Sexual Violence at the Izzone Campout last Friday, as well as my frustration with The State News’ uneven coverage of the event.


Students need more education about loans, debt

For the first time, student loans have surpassed credit card debt to become the No. 1 source of debt held by Americans. With a combination of fewer college graduates getting jobs and unemployment at 8.7 percent, repaying student loans six months after graduation might be difficult for most.


Terror speech is not free speech

While watching a news blurb on the degenerate characters at the heart of the controversy over groups of “religious” barbarians arriving at military funerals in order to protest homosexuality in America, I started to think carefully about the issue of freedom of speech and what it really means.