Saturday, September 21, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



Sometimes, movies reflect the truth

Tyler Perry’s “For Colored Girls” adapted from Ntozake Shange’s 1975 stage show “For Colored Girls Who Have Considered Suicide When the Rainbow is Enuf,” premiered in theaters earlier this month and was received with a flood of mixed praises and condemning criticisms.


Women's rights worth the work

In what could have been a landmark move toward gender equality in the workplace, the Paycheck Fairness Act reached the U.S. Senate last Wednesday. It held the fate of 72 million working women — 47 percent of the American workforce. What could have been wasn’t because Republicans used a filibuster to stop the legislation before it could be put to a vote. Through the disappointment, one thing was clear: To our Senators, basic civil rights have become a partisan issue.


Yes, we do live in a 'rape culture'

It’s a well-known fact that Sarah Palin, America’s favorite moose-hunting hockey mom, refers to herself as a feminist. If you’re skeptical of her claim, don’t be. Too many people don’t realize how passionately she’s fought for women’s rights!


MSU needs to address policy on medical marijuana

MSU is lost in a cloud of smoke when it comes to figuring out how to handle medical marijuana users — and the cloud needs to cleared. According to the MSU Drug and Alcohol Policy, patients in possession of the allowable amount of medical marijuana on campus are subject to disciplinary action at the university level.


State News Housing Guide had at least one notable omission

This letter is in response to the State News Housing Guide that was printed on Oct. 12. The Housing Guide is a great resource for students in the area; however, the guide omitted a great resource available to students regarding housing issues: the MSU College of Law Rental Housing Clinic.


Understanding is the first step

On the surface there is not much to say about the Westboro Baptist Church, or WBC. Most of us recognize them as a bunch of crazies on the fringe of society who preach a particularly vitriolic brand of hatred.


Best way to deal with Westboro? Avoid them

Today, the members of the Westboro Baptist Church plan to make East Lansing High School the next stop on their quixotic quest to force their gospel of ignorance and intolerance on all who live outside their warped perception of morality.


Silence Westboro through reason

When I discovered last week that Westboro Baptist Church, or WBC had scheduled a picket of East Lansing High School, I was appalled and shocked. For those who don’t know, the group is best known for its protests at the funerals of soldiers and blatant gay hate speech.


Improving access will benefit entrepreneurs

It seems like every other word that comes out of the mouth of every politician, economist and political pundit is business: big business, small business, business stimulus, business tax breaks. Business, business, business.


FDA images won't affect smokers

The word on the street is that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, or FDA, plans to give the cigarette industry a fabulous makeover by adding graphic images to tobacco carton labels to encourage smokers to quit their habit.


Grant helps MSU blend tradition with progress

MSU is redefining its roots with the modern “green” branding after receiving a $100,000 grant for energy audits. The grant was awarded to MSU by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Rural Energy for America Program, or REAP, and will allow the university to perform energy audits across the state, finding areas where farms and companies can save money and use more renewable or alternative forms of energy.


Time for a return to 'great books'

As a political science major focusing on political philosophy, I’ve been required to read numerous works on the nature of mankind, political associations and the relationships the two have on modern society.


Alumnus' message decent, needs a different approach

udent section at football games (”“Alumni: It’s time for the student section to shape up,” SN 11/9“: In some ways, Bill Scharffe was correct in regards to the student section, but the message behind his letter is skewed by insults.


Bike safety training good for the community

We’ve all seen it on campus: the collision between a car and a bike. More often than not, the car wins. If the cyclist still can pedal, he or she might be able to ride or walk away with a few scratches and some sore body parts, but it’s not pretty.