Saturday, September 21, 2024

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City plans will affect students

With agonizing basketball games, heaps of homework and parties abound, the least of most MSU students’ worries include the phrases “overlay district,” “moratoria” and “ordinances.”


City plans will affect students

With agonizing basketball games, heaps of homework and parties abound, the least of most MSU students’ worries include the phrases “overlay district,” “moratoria” and “ordinances.”


Justifications for new SUPER!Center unclear

It seems like bad form to start the year with a plan to merge the Lansing and East Lansing Secretary of State offices — likely inconveniencing everyone — while also offering unclear figures about how much money will be saved.


Getting what a Spartan pays for

Football tickets, basketball tickets, intramural gym membership and a bus pass. All seemingly essential — or at least helpful — for a fulfilling college experience.


Out of tragedy springs dialog

You might have heard, but if you haven’t; there are some pretty intense things happening in the southwest part of the country. And the fallout from is spreading.


Time for paper to think digital

I feel this is usually the column that talks about needing more columnists and more letters. We do — we always do. Even when I have enough, there needs to be more. The page needs as many views on as many topics as possible. As one of the fundamental tenets of democracy, I’m of the opinion this page should reflect that ideal.


Transparency essential for Michigan’s recovery

It’s a new year, new semester and a fresh face is now the head honcho in Michigan. Newly elected Gov. Rick Snyder is hoping to revive Michigan’s downtrodden economy with job creation, more bipartisan politics and a balanced two-year budget without increasing taxes.


Union quiet lounge should be available for all students

This is a reply to the letter “MSU’s Women’s Lounge a relic of past discrimination” (SN 12/3). Thirty years ago as an undergraduate at MSU, I valued the Women’s Lounge as the quietest place in the Union. It was a place where I could do some serious work on a paper or even catch a much-needed nap.


Relationships still a bit rocky

Usually, the end of the semester column is about carrying on and enjoying the break. However, this time, I want it to be about what comes next. In the most basic sense, this page is about news analysis, which is crucial in a 24-hour news cycle where things are event — and not issue — oriented. In that world, the editorial page becomes a place to parse and analyze the events covered in the paper.


Be wary of more privatization

Our incoming governor Rick Snyder has spoken in glowing terms of “public-private partnerships.” It’s a euphemism that more than deserves scare quotes. To paraphrase Benjamin Franklin, it’s not unlike a partnership between a wolf and a sheep. In exchange for the sheep’s tax dollars, the wolf provides the badly needed service of devouring the sheep.


Lansing's marijuana moratorium comes a little late

There will be no medical marijuana dispensaries opened in Lansing until Lansing’s City Council can figure out proper licensing and regulation. That’s the responsible action for a governing body to take. Unless, of course, there already are almost 70 dispensaries currently operating that would not be subject to some of the new potential regulations.


State News talks big, falls flat

I was puzzled to read this week’s State News editorial “Student action needs to find jolt of inspiration” (SN 12/6), which seemed to actually (gasp) encourage student activism! The State News editorial board writes that “one of the greatest worries of our generation is that despite being at critical junctions for a multitude of important issues … students have shown what seems to be apathy, but is probably closer to complacency.”


When it comes to WikiLeaks, post what you feel

WikiLeaks’ recent disclosure of thousands of U.S. diplomatic cables has caused many to wonder what it all means: Why is the government hiding this information? How does its release affect the U.S.? Is it legal? Is Julian Assange a traitor?