Saturday, December 21, 2024

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The sunnier side of post-graduation internships

After working hard for years to receive a bachelor’s degree, graduates could be disappointed to find themselves without a budding professional career. But with a poor job market, internships are becoming a viable option when full-time jobs are scarce.


U.S. must realign foreign policy

A people’s struggle is unfolding within Egypt and other Middle Eastern nations. Once again, the U.S. has ignored the suffering of the masses, backing the despotic few who gain wealth and power through the oppression of their people and the promotion of American economic and military interests.


Good job MSU: Thanks for canceling classes

Whether it was spent sleeping, sledding or sloshed, it’s safe to say the MSU community can agree on one thing: Wednesday’s snow day was spectacular. Even though the final accumulation of 11 inches was not quite as impressive as predicted, the mere threat of an impending “Snowpocalypse” was enough for MSU to cancel classes — a good decision by university administrators.


Column on Tucson shooting needed better analysis

As a retired history professor, I read the column by Matt Korovesis with a certain bemusement (On rage, rebellion and new tragedies, SN 1/26). He assumes that, prior to the inauguration of President Ronald Reagan in 1981, the U.S. was a workers’ paradise.


New Tunisia must avoid regression

The Jasmine Revolution in Tunisia began with a fruit vendor who wasn’t operating with the proper paperwork. When he was stopped by the police, the police proceeded to humiliate the man.


Not much substance to part-time legislature plan

A current proposal to make the Michigan Legislature part-time simply is not the correct solution to balance the state’s budget. Michigan’s legislative branch does not account for a significant amount of the state budget and therefore should not be high on the list of funding to consider.


Editorial on gender-neutral housing poorly reasoned

This is in response to the last Friday’s editorial, MSU should move forward on gender-neutral housing, (SN 1/28). The reasons provided supporting gender-neutral housing on campus were: A bare majority (56 percent) of students want it for themselves, transgender students would no longer feel discriminated against and unisex bathrooms would be offered.


Students, government must solve debt problem

The whole process of paying for college is confusing enough without the burden of overwhelming student loans. The government’s higher education funding — or lack thereof — has left students shouldering the brunt of college costs, much of it in the form of student loans (read: debt).


MSU should move forward on gender-neutral housing

Proposed gender-neutral housing at MSU would be a positive step toward a more inclusive and diverse campus. The Residence Halls Association, or RHA’s, move to make Gender Neutral MSU a sponsored group is the first of many important steps in becoming a gender-neutral campus.


Pushing against popular culture

In a fully developed industrialized society such as the U.S., can one live an existential life? When I use the word existential in this context I mean: Can one operate according to one’s free will?


On rage, rebellion and new tragedies

Following the attempted assassination on U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, D-Ariz., I began reading Mark Ames’ book “Going Postal: Rage, Murder, and Rebellion: From Reagan’s Workplaces to Clinton’s Columbine and Beyond.”


Speech a time for olive branches

The State of the Union speech President Barack Obama gives tonight will allow him to reframe the next two years of his presidency. His upcoming legislative agenda, reputation and vision will all be on the line.