Saturday, September 21, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



On rage, rebellion and new tragedies

Following the attempted assassination on U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, D-Ariz., I began reading Mark Ames’ book “Going Postal: Rage, Murder, and Rebellion: From Reagan’s Workplaces to Clinton’s Columbine and Beyond.”


Speech a time for olive branches

The State of the Union speech President Barack Obama gives tonight will allow him to reframe the next two years of his presidency. His upcoming legislative agenda, reputation and vision will all be on the line.


MSU trustees must consider gender-neutral housing

The MSU Residence Halls Association’s, or RHA’s, passing of the bill supporting gender-neutral housing on campus, as mentioned in the article “RHA passes bill to support gender neutral housing” (SN 12/8), is an important step for the rights of transgender students.


‘Bodily authority’ hurt by politicians

Last Saturday marked the 38th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the ruling that legalized abortion in 1973 contingent on fetal viability. In the decades after, a debate between “pro-choice” and “pro-life” ensued, exploiting scientific and legal jargon to form a bipolar war over a complex issue.


Child care worthy cause for COGS endowment

Graduate students often face obstacles, including financing child care, which can prevent them from finishing or even starting graduate school. A new child care fund recently started by the Council of Graduate Students, or COGS, is a good start to helping alleviate financial stress for graduate students with children.


In tragic times, we have stepped up

The tragic shooting in Tucson, Ariz., was both a shocking and sobering experience for me. In 15 seconds, an alleged madman managed to empty 31 bullets into a crowd — killing six and injuring 13 — before being wrestled down to the ground by several bystanders.


Snyder’s speech must offer specifics and truth

Gov. Rick Snyder’s State of the State should mark the “getting down to business” phase of his term. The speech, planned for 7 p.m. tonight, is Snyder’s first real chance to lay out specific plans for this year and the rest of his time as governor.


Open letter from a student to the COGS executive board

First, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Stefan Fletcher, the current president of Council of Graduate Students, or COGS, and Adam Lovgren, COGS vice president for graduate welfare, for putting forward the COGS child care endowment. Second, I would like to express my full support in the approval of this endowment.


Welcome to the ‘post-racial’ US

Maine’s Tea Party Gov. Paul LePage has refused to attend the state’s annual National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, or NAACP’s, Martin Luther King Jr. celebration. In an eminently diplomatic statement, he told the organization to “kiss my butt.”


Weather not too much if Spartans plan accordingly

Not sure why such a negative title was used for the article Students find winter too much for bikes to weather (SN 1/11); we’re able to keep the MSU Bike Center open and fully staffed year-round because so many people continue to ride through the winter.