Saturday, September 21, 2024

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Who’s afraid of the big bad debt?

Republicans are playing a dangerous game of chicken over the budget and debt in an attempt to score a few political points by demanding that Congress make significant cuts to discretionary spending before the debt ceiling can be raised.


East Lansing discrimination ordinances beneficial

In a college town inhabited mostly by young adults, it is important to provide protection for students. As many students at MSU search for houses and apartments for the upcoming academic year, city officials want students to know they are protected against housing discrimination.


Big picture: time to reduce deficits

Not sure if anyone has noticed, but the media has played up Wisconsin as if it were of epic importance. MSNBC would have us believe it is indicative of the Republicans’ secret — but now public — plan to strip all workers of their rights.


What it means to practice Islam

Let me start off by saying all Muslims are terrorists. Florida Pastor Terry Jones was right when he said “Islam is of the devil.” Also, Jones was right when he said it’s not silly to try to start a day where everyone burns the Quran, Islam’s holy book.


I (don’t) want you to complete me

So many people swoon at the classic “Jerry Maguire” line, “You complete me.” I cringe. I cringe at this widely-accepted thought of looking to another person for completion.


Blind housing gives learning experience

My roommates and I sometimes affectionately call our house The Real World: East Lansing. It is a true story of six strangers choosing to live in a house and finding out what happens when people stop being polite and start getting real crazy.


Cutting Earned Income Tax Credit will harm Michigan

Gov. Rick Snyder’s state budget proposal contained some ideas worth considering and several that should sound alarm bells for those concerned about Michigan’s future: a $222 million cut to colleges and universities; a $100 million cut to revenue sharing, which funds essential services provided by communities; and a $470 per-pupil cut to K-12 educati


The emergence of a granular nation

I recently had the opportunity to attend the teach-in panel on the uprisings throughout North Africa and the Middle East hosted by the Arab Cultural Society. The panel featured several professors from various colleges at MSU.


Item-pricing not the boogeyman it’s made out to be

A proposed change to Michigan’s item-pricing laws boils down to choosing between jobs and consumers or businesses and money. Michigan’s Legislature should think hard about who it’s working for when considering a bill to loosen an item-pricing law that currently requires most groceries to be labeled with individual price tags.


House cuts target wrong program

When the U.S. House of Representatives voted to cut all federal funding to Planned Parenthood last Friday, women across the country began to organize to create a coalition so tenacious God herself would sidestep.


Dismantling MSC smokestack the right move

As one wanders MSU’s sprawling campus, the MSC smokestack easily is recognizable as a prominent part of the Spartan skyline. But the $1.4 million it would cost to do vital repairs and ongoing upkeep costs just can’t be justified in light of the university’s budget woes.