Saturday, September 21, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



Don’t dilute Irish culture with booze

Green vomit isn’t something of which Irish people necessarily are proud. For some reason, a decent amount of MSU students seem to think that’s what celebrating St. Patrick’s Day is about.


Election details should have been crystal clear

It’s hard to imagine an organization handling a situation so sloppily it manages to violate its own constitution. And yet ASMSU, MSU’s undergraduate student government, recently was cited for violating its own constitution by deciding to hold a special election in March to create a unicameral system.


Fighting against union-busting

Last Saturday, 100,000 people marched on the Capitol of Wisconsin. The protest, given lip-service by every cable news station, was in defiance of Wisconsin Republican Gov. Scott Walker’s recently passed bill to strip government workers of collective bargaining rights.


Consistency best approach for medical marijuana

It seems the East Lansing medical marijuana ordinance finally is budding as the East Lansing City Council nails down of more details. East Lansing City Council has shown steady, measured progress with its decisions on the issue and appears be continuing on the right path


Taking a break to make a difference

For a long time I’ve considered myself a pessimist or cynic — capable of seeing the problems in life and providing negative criticism, but struggling with finding real solutions.


Swearing is all about context

Holy shit I swear a lot. I have no problem with people who swear like sailors and have ingested more soap than water over the years of washing out their mouths.


Coalition should diversify protest methods

It’s one thing to promote a certain message or specific agenda; it’s entirely another thing to do so effectively. The Coalition Against Sexual Violence has completely valid concerns about “rape culture” in the U.S. and at MSU.


Now is no time for tunnel vision

Not too long ago, I was listening to the other students in my philosophy class discuss issues of justice and global equality. I heard someone say something ill-informed about the Rwandan genocide of 1994.


Fiasco, politics and pop culture

I was in Chicago at the Congress Theater on Halloween 2008 when Lupe Fiasco announced the name of his third album, “LupEND.” Since then, it has been postponed and renamed — to “Lasers” — with only three of its tracks released on the Internet.