Saturday, September 21, 2024

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The reasons behind coalition action

In the editorial Coalition should diversify protest methods 3/11_), The State News editorial board criticizes the Coalition Against Sexual Violence for the manner in which it engages in activism against sexual violence.


The beginnings of our legacy

What does Michael Jordan’s game-winning shot against the Utah Jazz in the 1997 NBA Finals, “The Drive,” led by Hall of Famer John Elway and the revolts happening now in the Middle East all have in common?


MLCC’s opposition to ‘new’ Four Loko unwarranted

Everyone’s favorite, brightly colored, single-serve malt drinks are back — without caffeine or energy additives. Although now allowed to return to shelves, the drinks, including Four Loko, still are being criticized by the Michigan Liquor Control Commission, or MLCC, for high alcohol content.


Governor’s EFM provision detrimental to Michigan

As much as I respect guest columnist Ameek Singh, I must disagree strongly with his column EFM provisions good for state (SN 3/21). The argument made in his column boils down to the emergency financial manager, or EFM, provision being good for capitalism.


The disparity in world reactions

International political history shows a system in which nations use interminable means to achieve selfish ends. As the Greek historian Thucydides famously stated, “The strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must.”


US must reevaluate international role

On March 19, NATO forces led by the United Kingdom, France and U.S. — with the backing of a United Nations resolution — began their assault, or “intervention,” after forces loyal to Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi failed to initiate a mandatory cease-fire.


Middle East policy lacks consistency

It’s been an eventful weekend in the Middle East. The United Nations passed a resolution permitting the use of force in Libya, where Bahraini protesters were bullied, bloodied and butchered by government forces.


EFM provisions good for state

Wall Street was subjected to a lot of blame during the recent financial crisis. Much of the anger and frustration was understandable. It is true banks were allowed to take risks for which they were not held accountable.


Recent actions show Gov. Rick Snyder’s true colors

What would cause 7,000–10,000 people to head to the state Capitol in protest over the last few days? Didn’t Gov. Rick Snyder promise to do big things if he were elected? Presumably, there are a large number of Michiganders asking themselves these very questions, but only the previously mentioned protestors were riled enough to show up.


Financial manager legislation goes too far

The balance of power is tipping even more into Republican Gov. Rick Snyder’s hands. With the recent signing of a bill giving him executive power over municipalities deemed to be in dire financial straits, it seems the power of the governor’s office is expanding.


Health care for graduate students severely lacking

As a member of the MSU Graduate Employees Union, or GEU, and a teaching assistant who provides health insurance for my wife and daughter, I hope to inform readers of the deplorable health coverage available for the partners and dependents of MSU graduate students.