Saturday, September 21, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!



Use speeders to raise revenue

One weekend I was driving back to campus, and my mind started to wander. I started hearing the voices of the tea party supporters screaming about too much spending.


Time to look outside our box

There’s a story happening right now. It has all the classic elements of a story Americans should love: sex, power and money. It also has buzzwords Americans have learned to fear: economic decline, bailouts and numbers with a fascinating amount of zeroes after them. Still, the odds you haven’t heard it are good.


Please allow me to introduce myself

I’ve never been great on first dates. Breaking a life into digestible bits overvalues some things and devalues others, while going into any kind of context or nuance means one has to spend too much time going into detail about something that might mean nothing at all.


Michigan film industry requires time to grow

When voters chose to make Gov. Rick Snyder “CEO” of Michigan, they also signaled support of Snyder’s philosophy toward jobs and government investment. At the moment, it is one particular concept — return on investment, or ROI — that unfortunately threatens to leave film tax credits on the cutting room floor.


Spartans must keep writing new chapters in history

Well, this is it. Just another semester for some, the culmination of a college career for others and an ending (of sorts) for all. When something ends, people choose to look in two directions: backward to the progress that’s been made and forward to prepare for the unknown and what lies ahead.


Negative connotations of old words still remain the same

The State News fired me up earlier this week with the front page headline Queer Christians (SN 4/25). This is the second time in recent memory “Queer (something)” has been attached to some story in order to do … I am not sure what. In fall 2006, The State News ran a story about the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community celebrating National Coming Out Day.


Stay classy until next year MSU

If every year of college goes by this fast, I need to take more time to appreciate the little things. By the end of next week, I’ll have completed my first year as a college student, which is shocking to think about. It doesn’t seem like so long ago I had settled into my tiny dorm room (away from the comforts of home) and into the vast MSU campus.


Setting the record straight on MSU animal research

The recent column by guest columnist Mitch Goldsmith, “The Darker Side of Animal Testing,” (SN 4/25) not only is horrifying but also left me completely bewildered by the obscene skewing of MSU’s poultry and mink teaching and research farm.


A senior Spartan’s survival guide

My time at this school nearly has run its course. I am graduating (scary, I know), and as I think back on my four years here, I find myself wishing I could go back and tell my cocky little freshman self what I’ve learned, not only about college and MSU but also tips for making the rocky years from age 18 on to age 22 a little bit easier.


Manifesting ‘Spartanness’

Right now, humanity is confronted with a problem — well actually it’s just my problem. With graduation fast approaching — and due dates looming — I feel ever-increasing pressure to refrain from doing anything. Why is it when we are so close to the finish line we want to slow down?


The darker side of animal testing

When I first came to MSU as a high school senior, almost five years ago, I thought animals largely were absent from the academic experience and MSU community in general. I thought we had advanced past laboratory horror stories. I thought animal experimentation (also known as vivisection) as I knew it had ended long ago.


Broad Museum spray painting simply vandalism

Panels of the skeleton of the Eli and Edythe Broad Art Museum were vandalized by red spray paint on April 15. The irony is palpable. An unfinished art museum — what some might consider a work of art in and of itself — has a few panels redecorated by artwork of the street variety.


A rhyme to end freshman year

My name is Omar Thabet, and I am a freshman at MSU pursuing a career in journalism. I am a Muslim Arab-American from the city of Hamtramck, Mich., a town near Detroit. The first article I wrote earlier in this semester was a poem about the tragedies going on in the Middle East.