Saturday, September 21, 2024

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Think small shops to replace closing store

With the imminent closing of Barnes and Noble Booksellers at 333 E. Grand River Ave., residents and students can’t help but begin to worry about how downtown East Lansing will soon look. As city officials work to fill that hole, they should consider smaller businesses.


Guest column not edited for facts

Guest columnists should be entitled to their own opinions but not to their own facts. The recent column about the Occupy Wall Street movement (SN 10/13) is so egregiously flawed factually that it has no credibility whatsoever as an opinion.


Candidates ignore student need

I didn’t expect the presidential hopefuls to mention the Occupy Wall Street movement because of the general conservative disregard for the movement as a whole. However, the issues of a lack of middle-class jobs and an inability of recent graduates to pay off student loans without those jobs is a completely separate issue.


Fall break would allow for catch up

Most students would frown upon decreasing the number of days in winter break, but adding those days to a weekend in October might be worth the sacrifice. The fall break university officials have been considering could prove to be beneficial to students and their study habits.Research has proven that for optimal memory retention, sleep is a necessity.


Keg ID law will not alter drinking norms

A new state law aimed at irresponsible keg use likely won’t do much to curb the problem of underage drinking. The law requires the keg buyer to attach his or her name and information to the keg as of Nov.


Obama favors Occupy Wall Street

If the Tea Party movement can be associated with elderly ultra-conservative voters, the Occupy Wall Street movement sweeping major cities across the country can be attributed to the young far left, as the majority of those protesting are in their 20s.


MSU gym hours cater to demand

I’d like to thank Victoria Merritt for caring enough about access to campus Intramural facilities that she took the time to submit a well-written opinion in The State News (10/10). I agree with everything she writes and certainly as Director of Recreational Sports and Fitness Services support her views on the value of physical activity and healthy behavior choices. I only wish to explain how building hours are established at IM Sports-West, East and Circle.


Professor’s work exploits students

This column is not meant to be particularly cruel or nasty against any one professor, but to be a plea, a plea for this professor to stop. Academic or personal freedoms stop when those freedoms encroach upon the rights of others.


City manager needs to listen to students

A lack of dialogue between students and the city could sour the relationship. There has to be balance. The next manager has to stay tough enough on student residents that permanent residents are satisfied. He or she also must understand the student perspective well enough to attract students to live in East Lansing.


Talk to loved ones while you can

Sitting in Noodles & Company in front of my mac and cheese and in the middle of a meeting, I read the text message my mom sent: “My grandmother passed away :(.” Buica, as we used to call her, lived in Romania.


State News CHM coverage unfair

I love Grand Rapids. I was born and raised in the city and witnessed its transition into a medical mecca firsthand. So I am perhaps slightly biased on the issue of the expansion of MSU’s College of Human Medicine. Then again, I’m allowed to be biased; I don’t write newspaper headlines.


University oversight committee not needed

Adding unnecessary, unwarranted bureaucracy for public universities is just another day for the state government.A bill was introduced in the Michigan House last month to create a single 11-person board to assess the efficiency of state universities. The bill primarily is sponsored by State Rep.


Find better ways to spend money

Today as construction rattles the walls of campus here at MSU, I can’t help but object to some of the information contained in the article “New construction projects replace parts of campus,” published Sept. 15.


Consider early weekend gym hours

For college students who are constantly stressed with academic, professional and social pressures, it comes as a welcome outlet to reduce stress and improve moods. Weekend hours are reduced to accommodate for fewer exercise fiends, but the weekend should be the best time to get in a good workout.