Friday, May 3, 2024



Column: Are 'straight pride' parades wrong?

"While we have the ability to denounce others’ ignorance and refusal to conform, we can’t coerce them to change. We live in a bilateral society. There will always be two sides to any situation. The best we can do is try to understand our counterparts."


Online homework tool inefficient

WeBWorK is an online homework program utilized by classes such as Math 103, Math 132, etc. OH Basically, homework assignments become available, and you have a limited time to complete them. Unfortunately, I am one of the unlucky students forced to use this program. It doesn’t seem so bad in theory, but in reality, WeBWorK is terrible.


Student section booing "It's On Us" campaign ad is disrespectful

At the Nebraska game this Saturday at Spartan Stadium, an ad came on the big screens for The White House’s It’s On Us campaign, which is a call to arms for everyone ? yes, everyone, “not just men” ? to stop perpetuating the culture that generates sexual assault.The stadium watched quietly as the commercial played.


You bought football season tickets, now use them

For the last two home games, the Spartan football team has come out of the tunnel to an empty top deck and a Rose Bowl banner. A Rose Bowl banner that, if it adorned the stadiums of other schools, would be enough to get every seat in the stadium filled.


Concerts need to come through for students

For as long as can be remembered, concerts have been to college kids what Florida is to tourists. The best-known names in the entertainment industry — be it rappers, singers, bands or comedians — always seem to possess a magnetic force, hauling in crazed fans, truckloads of revenue, and, most importantly, great nights all around.


Part-time job applications develop longtime career skills

Job applications are one of those necessary steps in a career that promises more frustration than opportunity. A single application can take quite some time to fill out. And sometimes, the best you can hope for after submitting an application is briefly meeting with the manager and shaking hands.


MSU is too digital, too impersonal

I spent more than a week submitting my application to MSU. My best friends, sister and parents extensively combed through it with me. Not because it was extremely tedious, although it was, but because it was online.