MSU-Detroit College of Law students spent last week telling their professors to can it.
The Journal of International Law at DCL sponsored its fourth annual Can-a-Professor Program, which allows students to bring in a canned good or other nonperishable food item in exchange for not having to participate in class.
Professors who agree to participate in the program may not call on students who bring cans of food to class.
For some law students, the program, which began last Monday was convenient.
Daniel Olson, a second-year law student who participated in Can-a-Professor, said the because he was out of town two weeks ago, the program saved him both some reading and from answering questions.
I was at a law review symposium in Washington, D.C., got back late in the week and didnt feel like reading a lot, he said.
Olson said being able to avoid questions especially took the stress off for exams in a week and a half.
Thats exactly why the program is so popular, said Connell Alsup, DCL assistant dean of student affairs.