Thursday, March 6, 2025

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Study: Sleep loss connected to depression, irritability

Staying up late and then waking up early for class might have a more adverse effect than falling asleep in classes. A new study, published in a psychology journal, interviewed about 10,000 students at more than 100 colleges and found the number of college-aged students treated for depression has doubled since 1989. The study prompted medical professionals in the country to re-evaluate the connection between depression and sleep deprivation. "It's like the chicken and the egg - it can go both ways," said D.


LBGT groups to hold fair

Drag performances, open-mic poetry and music will mark the annual Lesbian, Bisexual, Gay, Transgender and Ally Resource Fair at MSU.A dozen campus groups are sponsoring the state wide fair and solidarity slam Today."It's a chance to welcome new students and returning students, and in general to let out the idea that MSU is a safe campus for LGBT and straight-ally students," said Nat Furrow, the director of the Lesbian, Bisexual, Gay, Transgender and Ally Alliance.The fair begins at 5:30 p.m.


ANGEL poses problems off campus

MSU's new course management system has been online since August, but some off-campus users are having troubles connecting.ANGEL, also known as A New Global Environment for Learning, was tested this summer and first used last week.


Briggs director looks to improve

Elizabeth Simmons is always thinking of ways to make improvements. And as the new director for the Lyman Briggs School, MSU's college dedicated to natural sciences, Simmons is already contributing some of her ideas on how to better serve the school's diverse group of students."There is such a wide range of fields within the school, and because of that, I want to ensure the Lyman Briggs curriculum is appropriate and balanced between the different areas of study," Simmons said.Simmons will take over for Steve Spees, who was the acting director until this month.


Former 'U' VP, dean dies at 86

Gordon A. Sabine, the original dean of the Michigan State University College of Communication Arts and Sciences and former MSU vice president, died Thursday evening in Arizona at 86 years old.Sabine became dean of the newly formed College of Communication Arts and Sciences in 1955 and held the position until 1960 when he became vice president for special projects.


Memory walk to aid Alzheimer's patients

The sixth annual Greater Lansing Memory Walk will be held at 1 p.m. on Sept. 21 at the Breslin Center. The walk is sponsored by the Michigan Great Lakes Chapter of the Alzheimer's Association.


ASMSU considers events, goals for coming year

Student Assembly Chairperson Missy Kushlak faced several empty staff seats Thursday as ASMSU members discussed plans for the new year.Several assembly members could not attend MSU's undergraduate student government meeting.


Large complexes beat competitors

Independent housing in the city is suffering while larger apartment complexes that offer more luxuries are flourishing, East Lansing city officials said. East Lansing Planning and Community Development Director Jim Van Ravensway said he sees a large number of houses for rent on streets farther from campus, such as Burcham and Hagadorn roads. "There are fewer and fewer independent owners," Van Ravensway said.


Editor: Yearbook needs improvements

Sara Ramsey, the 2003 editor in chief of MSU's yearbook, Red Cedar Log, already has plans to make big changes for next year's edition.Sitting with her legs sprawled out on the floor, sifting through a list of improvements, she diligently marked them with a big red 'S' shaped sticky notes.


Ethics lecture program commences

The MSU-Detroit College of Law is holding a lecture highlighting the beginning of a new program about intellectual property.Yale Law School Professor Jack Balkin will speak about intellectual property rights in the United States on Sept.


Red Cross to host several blood drives

There is a blood shortage, and the American Red Cross is encouraging MSU students to help out. For most of the summer, the Great Lakes Region of the Red Cross has been operating under its smallest blood supply in a decade.


Playboy sweeps Big Ten; 'U' ladies make appearance

Just because Crystal Lynn's friends idolize her for posing in Playboy doesn't mean her parents have to know about it. Lynn, a German and business junior, said she has yet to tell her parents she posed for the adult magazine. "The whole thing was very random and unexpected in the first place," Lynn said.


Center co-sponsors counseling session

The "Looking Ahead: Perspectives on Aging Issues" series will sponsor a group counseling session for anyone responsible for the emotional or physical care of an aging parent or relative.