Thursday, September 19, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!
<p>Photo by Brendan Mullin. Photo Illustration by Zachary Balcoff. </p>

The beginning

It started, like all great ideas, a partial joke. It was fall, Claire was new to the office, and we were blatantly ignoring our workloads to discuss our dreams from the night prior. When PJ approached Claire, he asked her a serious question:

"Do you know how Lorde gets her aura photographed before every new album? What if we did that?"

We have always been into talking about dreams and energies, loosely believing we actually understand what being an Aquarius and Taurus means, thinking the lines on our palm know our life’s plan. But we’ve never considered aura photography. Until now.

The good news is there’s a big market for this interest. We made jokes about investigating this passion outside of the office. And then we laughed, and then the school year flew by.

Before we knew it, spring was on its way out and the vernal equinox moon phase was transforming into a waxing crescent. The school year was ending, and PJ asked if we'd both be in East Lansing for the summer. He suggested we revisit our fall plan and take a trip to Beyond A Dream in Okemos, whose website promised the occasional in-house aura photography session, life plan reading and tarot experience.

And suddenly, we had a new dream.

After further research, however, we realized Beyond A Dream only offered aura photography once a month, every other month. The couple who did the photography, Jim and Brandie, had already booked their summer visit, and both of us would be out of the country. Claire thought they might give up, or wait until they were back in the fall, or simply slow down and think about what we were trying to use our State News paychecks on. PJ, thankfully, did not. We got an email address, which might as well have been a brick of gold. And then we got a response, which was priceless. 

Jim and Brandie were kind enough to make an exception for our summer calendars: we could visit them at their home office, about 45 minutes from campus, for only $65 each. 

And so, on May 14, one day before she was set to leave the country for six weeks, Claire casually told her mother she was heading back up to East Lansing for one more night – despite having just moved home for the summer. And the next morning she got into her car and headed down I-75 to pick up PJ, who had told his parents the night before that he and Claire were getting their auras photographed and read. His mom was delighted by this idea, as she has a history of visiting psychics.

It should also be noted that it was PJ’s 21st birthday. 

We drove to Parma, Michigan. If you’ve never been, think again. Yes, you have. It looks like every mid-Michigan town: long winding roads, dull green, a few stoplights. Claire missed the final turn, partially because we were discussing our fates, and also because we forgot we were heading not towards an office building, but rather a family home.

We pulled into the driveway, foolishly thinking we would have a couple of minutes to decompress and prepare to go inside. Nope. Suddenly, who we assumed was Jim appeared behind the screen door, looming in the foyer, watching us shove our final bites of breakfast into our mouths. We shared one final look and nervously stepped outside of the car. Claire made PJ walk in first.

We wish we could tell you what we felt walking into the couple’s home, but tunnel vision took over. Our shoes were barely off before we began our walk deeper into the house. Jim began speaking immediately, a relievingly calming energy radiating from him. 

Half listening to Jim’s introductory pleasantries, half obviously checking out the house, we followed Jim down the lone hallway of the ranch home, leading, presumably to the office in which we would spend our next, unforgettable hour. We passed a lit stick of incense in the living room, multiple aesthetic signs of encouragement decorating the walls and a comforting collection of trinkets and family photos.

The bad news was Brandie, whom we had been in contact with via email, was allegedly sick. Jim told us she was in the other room with their grandchild. The good news was that Jim was in high spirits and, frankly, upon turning the corner into the hallway’s first room, we weren’t even sure where Brandie would have sat. 

It was a small office, yet somehow hosted two desks, three chairs, a plethora of books, photos, and, of course, the aura photography setup. We both immediately took in the light blue walls, collection of scattered family photos (was Brandie even real?) and registered the shock of a large zebra painting taking up half the room. We locked eyes with a Bible and devotional book set made for young Christian women. 

And then Jim asked who would like to go first. 

The photo from PJ’s perspective

I walked to one edge of the room, back against an uncomfortable black wall. In front of me was a printer, a computer with the tiniest camera on it, an electronic palm-reading sensor, which would eventually take my aura, Jim, who was sitting behind the computer, and Claire behind him, nervously darting her eyes around, scanning the room.

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I forced an awkward smile, as seen below, and impatiently waited for the printer to work its magic. In the meantime, which felt like forever, Jim forced small talk about college, and of course, our energies, while I sat down in the chair, finally next to Claire. 

About two minutes passed until Claire was up, and while Jim was busy working on her photo, I tried looking in every nook and cranny of the room while staying in my chair, not moving an inch.

Where the hell were we?

The photo from Claire’s perspective

PJ bravely went first, and I made sure to take note as he stood in front of both of us, back against a black, chalkboard-looking backdrop and placed his hand on what looked like a large, smooth computer mouse. PJ posed for the photo, though, now that I think of it, I don’t recall seeing a camera, and the printer beside Jim started to groan. And then there was one. 

I assumed the position. It felt reminiscent of taking a school photo; aside from scanning my palm and trying not to make eye contact with the zebra painting nearby. 

Right off the bat, Jim tells me I’m nervous. You can imagine how hearing this did absolutely nothing to help with that. Before I even have a chance to calm my heartbeat, Jim goes on to tell me I have a gigantic aura. My eyes flick over to PJ, who, now seated directly behind Jim, is stifling laughter. But it’s too early to laugh now. 

And I want to take this as a compliment and believe Jim. Because it’s 9:15 a.m. in Parma, Michigan, and we’re in a stranger’s home, and we paid a good, hopeful portion of our paychecks on this, and it’s PJ’s birthday. 

I remove my palm from the reader and cringe at the nervous sweaty print left behind. PJ stares over Jim’s shoulder and everyone is quiet.

Jim staples both of our packets and we sit back down. PJ and I avoid eye contact as our knees nearly touch in the corner of the room, and suddenly I’m not totally convinced the palm scanner was properly swabbed in between the photos. Jim swivels his desk chair to us. We were sitting in a triangle now, squished into the corner, feeding off one another’s energies. He told us he would be guiding us through a portion of our packets, and he started with PJ’s. 

The reading from PJ’s perspective

"You’re entering this season — it’s a good season for you. I’m going to tell you, though, it’s not going to be easy," Jim told me, minutes after photographing my aura, making note of all the details I should be aware of. 

Swaying in my tiny chair, knee-to-knee with Claire and Jim, I was both apprehensive and excited to hear about my aura and future. My palms sweaty, nervous laughter at the ready, and eyes darting between Jim, Claire and the zebra painting in the corner, I absorbed every word Jim told me.

I learned that everybody has chakras (energy sources) all over the body — some even extend above us. According to Jim, it connects us with our body and higher sources and dimensions. 

But how did my chakras line up?

My crown chakra, also known as my "connection to God," was violet: it’s super open, I can connect to people easily and can feel people’s energy — a "sixth sense," Jim added. I’m no Haley Joel Osment, however.

Jim said I need to "follow that lead" and use the following motto as I transition into the next season of my life: "Awakening, awareness, willingness, allowing."

I took note of that as my chair squeaked and I darted my eyes to Claire. I couldn't believe we were in this stranger’s home … maybe I was actually becoming more aware of my surroundings. 

Shortly after, he said a quote that has truly stuck with me since then, and I actually have it written down in my room. It’s a good reminder that we have a short life and need to explore — mentally and physically — as much as possible.

"Go places, ask questions," Jim said.

He kept mentioning my poor intuition and how I tend not to trust my gut (which is true), but I need to in the future in order to have a successful next chapter.

"Don’t let (your intuition) trip you up. You’re not going crazy," Jim said. "And if you are, you’re going crazy with us, and it’s fun."

Thanks, Jim! I kept coming back to the same thought: Nine hours into being 21 and I’m being told that I don’t trust my gut — which I trusted enough to enter this home — and have had an unsuccessful past.

Then, things got even more personal.

He brought up my throat chakra — my inner thoughts — and mentioned that it was small.

 "There’s always room for growth," Jim’s go-to phrase for me, repeated in my mind . 

Jim told me that my inner thoughts usually consist of phrases like the following: "I’m not good enough," "I don’t speak up for myself," and "I want to say no but I’m going to say yes." Honestly, he was correct. I’ve learned to be more confident in myself recently, but I would agree that my inner thoughts dance around those exact phrases. 

A little more than halfway through, though, I knew I was in the right place and felt more comfortable when Jim called me "bro." Classic Jim. A gigantic smile formed on my face and I looked at Claire. 

Jim, after staring at me for a few solid seconds, explained that he could see me getting into tai chi and that I really should, because it will help me understand who I am more. He then told me that I am a naturally awkward person. God, I’m loving being 21 so far, I thought.

My sacral chakra, which influences my creativity and intimacy, is really healthy, bright and vibrant. The more I create, according to Jim, the closer I get to "the creator," which I assumed is God, just because he brought up his past experiences in the church, and frequently told us we should set out to read the Bible.

My aura overall was "super strong, powerful and bright," which relieved most of the stress I had accumulated from the past hour. Squeaky chairs, sweaty palms, large zebra painting. My aura radiated passion, and I often get energy from the "higher dimension."

"Usually that’s a sign of somebody who’s starting to work on themselves," Jim said. "They’re starting to see some things that they would like to repair, that they’d like to grow, they’d like to expand."

As Jim put it, "the doors are open" for me and I’m ready to head into my new life chapter, heart open. 

As for my energy, I’m vibrating very low, but it’s balanced. My intuitive, mental, emotional and physical energies are all aligned, but I need to work on self-confidence and assertiveness. I agreed with Jim’s insight that I don’t trust my gut and am not a good decision-maker, though I’m a very mindful person.

In order to improve my life, I need to free myself from judgment and be free to love, Jim said. 

"Your ego holds your wisdom," Jim said, the words reverberating through the tiny room.

"Man, you’re going to get hurt so many times in this life, but not accepting it as the truth is important."

My part of the session was complete, and Claire was finally up. To say I was transformed spiritually would be an understatement. 

After Claire, we exited the tiny box we happened to call a room, and we were on our way out. I couldn’t help but wonder, however, if Brandie and the grandchild were actually in the room as Jim said. Nary a sound was heard from anywhere else in the house throughout the entire session. Something was eerie, and to this day, Claire and I are skeptical of Brandie’s whereabouts.


The reading from Claire’s perspective 

Jim began by telling me that at first there were some "blockages" in my photo, that the scanner was having a hard time pinning down my energy. But then I must’ve surrendered to the experience because apparently I "almost completely opened (my) chakras all the way up." Was this a good thing? Why was that happening? I thought I was "super nervous," Jim.

I learned I had 50% "aura power" – whereas most people operate at about 20 or 30%. And, not to brag, but apparently my aura is 12-15 feet (wide or tall, I’m entirely unsure). Jim told me I "drastically affect people … like when (I) enter a room" (hopefully positively?)

He was complimentary of my "power," informing me that a few colors (like green, which I later learned is connected to chattiness) moved through before it settled. Evidently this is a "snapshot of where I am, but also who I am." 

Ok! Off to a good start … I think!

We moved on to a quick rundown of my chakras, referencing the packet. 

Jim also told me that, while I was vibrating fairly high, I "know (my) power," but "for some reason somebody told me to dim (my) light."

"If they don’t like who you are exactly like you are, then that energy’s not for you. Don’t dim your light." Though a fairly general, widely-known sentiment, this struck me deeply – as "bringing the light" is something my mom has always spoken to me about, in addition to reminding me that the name Claire is associated with light.

Apparently there’s also room for growth in my heart, as Jim notified me that "there’s some things going on inside of there" and it "feels a little more guarded" rather than protected. 

My packet also explained the colors in my aura photo. Yellow around the head signifies the energy of my mind and general mental activity, correlating with "bright, vast ideas," and is also related to "over-thinking decisions."

Orange at the center and bottom reflects my foundational values and "personality at its deepest level." There are also multiple mentions of the potential to feel creatively blocked, resulting in withdrawal or an inability to maintain close relationships. Well, moving on! 

Violet on my left represents the "quality of energy flowing into (me)" – signifying that I have "energy from a higher dimension" flowing into my aura. 

Red on my right relates to the energy I express and what others in my life can feel from me. Apparently others perceive me and my red right side as "active, competitive, and passionate" and on occasion I am known to "overtax my emotional resources, resulting in stress and fatigue."

I was most struck by Jim telling me I seem like the type of competitive to "trip someone else to get ahead." Alright then.

I was also struck by Jim’s aggressive encouragement of my pursuing education as a career path. I was wearing an MSU hoodie and, when asked, informed Jim that I’m studying English. When Jim asked – like most everyone who hears this – if I was going into teaching, I told him it’s always been a possibility. 

This was really the only personal information I divulged about myself the entire session, as I didn’t know how much of his analysis I was supposed to confirm or deny. And Jim ran with it for as long as he could, telling me multiple times I should go into teaching, and encouraging the selection of a career I would love to do even if it was free. 

This was in high contrast to my packet’s career suggestion, which said that I might find success as a stunt double. 

Jim encouraged us to continue reviewing the packet at our own pace, and to not worry about how long it takes us to process. He passed mine back to me. And then, quite abruptly, the small talk of the transaction fades and Jim looked me right in the eye, let out a quick breath, and, in a rather serious tone, said, "I don’t think that you actually know where home is."

Oh! Ok! Let’s go there, Jim. 

He gently continued, telling me I’m likely drawn to people who do seem in touch with a sense of home or belonging, and encouraged me to look inward for this sense of personal safety and security. "And once again, that’s the verbiage of 'wherever I am is home.'"

I nod, he nods, PJ nods. We all seem to agree that home is within.

And then, very abruptly, Jim stopped speaking. After a long 25 second pause – during which I genuinely believed he was going to vomit into our laps or pass out – he sighed deeply and turned to me once again. We had just cleared the "home is within" hurdle, now what? 

"It’s gonna take you a minute," Jim finally said. "But there’s some things that you’re really going to have to let go of, or it’s going to mess with every relationship you’ll ever have throughout your entire life. Friends, significant others, it’s … it’s really strong. So forgiveness is a really big key, and it’s hard. Simple, but hard."

I had no idea what to do besides nod. He was, unfortunately, right. And strangely I felt like I knew exactly what he was talking about. 

He also mentioned that I "can’t control (my) way through life, doesn’t work. Doesn’t work." Once again, anyone who knows me knows this, much like overthinking, is a fault of mine, too.

After feeling like I’d had more than enough spotlight, Jim closed by telling us that there was nothing he said "that didn’t come out of love." He also excitedly told us that the conversations from this session are going to take our analytical minds to a new place. 

You have no idea, Jim. 

Before we stood up to leave, Jim offered PJ a complimentary birthday tarot card reading, explaining he just "couldn’t let him go" without doing one. Afterward, he let me pull one singular card. 

“In any moment, I can surrender to the powerful presence of love through prayer, contemplation, and stillness.” 

A small laugh escaped from Jim. "You know, it’s funny, I felt that for you," he said. "I felt surrender being important." He then, growing a bit more serious, informed me that the real me has been "locked away, under lock and key" and that "just surrendering to all that is and all that was is going to set (me) free."

Alright, it’s time to go. 

The final line Jim left for us was "Love is the actual currency of the world ... just nobody knows it."

You do, Jim. You do.

After a few months and fervent review of my packet, I can say that I resonated with about 40% of what Jim said, and found the other 60% interesting. I also do in fact feel like I’ve experienced some of the signs Jim was talking about. 

I left the country to study abroad one day after our morning in Parma, and I spent a lot of time focusing on how "I’m always home in my body." On one of the last days of the trip, I came across a song with lyrics echoing that same sentiment (‘Crow Song’ by Haley Heynderickx & Max García Conover). 

I have also definitely been working on letting go of things from the past. As a senior preparing to graduate this spring, I have been reflecting on beliefs I used to have, former relationships, ways I feel similar and different to who I was merely a few months ago – and working to make peace with the changes both currently happening and coming my way soon.

During my portion of the session, Jim had also affirmed that we "never get off our path." We may create obstacles for ourselves, but we’re "never really off our path."

Looking back, I had wondered why he pointed this out, but I remember being immediately comforted by it. Much like not allowing someone to "dim my light" as my mom has long encouraged, my dad has always been vocal about following and staying true to a "path" in life. 

I found it interesting that two of the main pieces of advice both of my parents have been consistently giving me for decades were mentioned during my portion of the session.

Maybe Jim was right, maybe none of this means anything at all and I’m falling victim to confirmation bias, maybe a mix of both. Who knows.  

Regardless of if I’m closer to any concept of a higher, personal truth, I have enjoyed reviewing my packet and drawing personal connections from the session to my own life. 

Besides, two of my favorite things Jim told us were "beyond the mind the heart beats" and "your ego is using your wisdom against you to protect you." So maybe there is something else out there for us to explore, we just have to get beyond the mind and be open to receive. 

It ended, fittingly, with PJ and I nodding politely as Jim told us he and Brandie might be moving soon as he walked us out. He stood on his front step and watched us climb back into my car, kindly waving us away. 

And then we drove away with our packets and cleansed spirits, back through Parma and into East Lansing – forever enlightened. 

The conclusions (post-aura reading)

It turns out that we are, as Jim put it, "two peas in a pod" or "birds of a feather." We had very similar aura photos and readings. We both have orange cores, meaning creativity and a lot of passion. But, we wondered, do we both actually have orange auras, or did we just take our photos 30 seconds apart, without properly wiping each other’s DNA off the reader? We might never know, which, according to Jim, is part of the process. "You’re never going to figure all this out."

After multiple months of debriefing and reflection, we have decided we would, without a doubt, recommend trying this experience. After all, Jim let us know that this session was merely "dipping a toe in," and there was far more to explore. Besides, maybe next time we could confirm or deny some of his speculations as to receive an even more specific reading. But for a cold read with a stranger on an early Tuesday morning, we think it went incredibly well. 

In the meantime, both of us are working to keep our hearts open. Claire has decided to look into a teaching certificate, and PJ might take up tai chi. 

Day by day, we are making peace with the fact that we still don’t entirely know what having an orange aura or open chakras means but, according to Jim, we should "question everything. But ask the questions and look for the answers … even if it doesn’t work out the way you wanted it to, there was a lesson."

In conclusion, this was far more than just an aura photo. This is something we will tell our children about, and also maybe a therapist. Besides, Jim did leave us with one request: "Be careful who you share this information with."

You’re welcome, everyone.