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FEMfest brings joyful celebration of feminism in the arts

August 30, 2024
<p>Apparel and textile design junior Tristian Laney performs "Pink Pony Club" by Chappell Roan as Breakfast Booffet at FEMfest in the MSU Union Ballroom on Aug. 29, 2024. FEMfest is a celebration of feminism that encourages self-expression through several types of performance.</p>

Apparel and textile design junior Tristian Laney performs "Pink Pony Club" by Chappell Roan as Breakfast Booffet at FEMfest in the MSU Union Ballroom on Aug. 29, 2024. FEMfest is a celebration of feminism that encourages self-expression through several types of performance.

In a showcase of performances from all different mediums, FEMfest helped kick off Michigan State University’s student events for the year on Thursday, Aug. 20. Including a cappella, spoken word poetry, drag and more, the event was a passionate display of femininity and community at MSU.

Entering the ballroom, lit by a disco ball, with songs like “After Midnight” by Chappell Roan and “Pocketful of Sunshine” by Natasha Bedingfield playing, students from all years, genders and identities were welcomed to the MSU Union to celebrate feminism in the arts.


More than just a celebration, FEMfest is a place for community. It’s an opportunity to help those who feel alone find their people and to provide a place for them to feel safe and heard. Electrical engineering sophomore Elizabeth Mackenzie found comfort from attending FEMfest her freshman year, so much so she attended again.

“As a freshman it was really nice to come here and to get to meet other women who are similar minded,” Mackenzie said. “They wanted to be empowered and were willing to express themselves.”

Finding others who want to be empowered and are willing to use their talents to show that was not just a highlight for Mackenzie but also for those who performed. Apparel and textile design junior Tristian Laney, also known by his drag persona, Breakfast Boufeé, agreed and loves the community he has built with his fellow performers.

Laney both started and closed out this year’s performance as Breakfast Boufeé and had the room singing and dancing along. For Laney, it was more than just a performance.

“Being a part of the community of performers, this year and years past, has always been an amazing opportunity,” Laney said. “We’re all sitting back here for hours in the heat of the Union, but in the end, we are all really able to connect and build community. It’s all about making those connections.”


After Laney’s opening performance, students saw original music, original poems, a cappella, violin and dance performances from other MSU students. Before each performance a video of the artist was played in which they talked about what feminism means to them, why it’s important and how their medium allows them to express that. Journalism junior Cassidy Howard brought this to life through spoken word poetry.

Howard performed two separate poems and was comforted by the respect she was given by the audience. When someone was performing “you could hear a pin drop,” Howard said. “There is so much respect for the performers.”

Howard found value in being able to be respected in this space. More than recognizing just the audience and performers, Howard recognized the reason for FEMfest and the importance of having this space.


“I find FEMfest important because it not only highlights that there are inclusive spaces within campus, but it highlights the activism within those spaces,” Howard said. “It highlights how determined we are to move forward and how joyfully we do so.”

FEMfest, if one thing, is an expression of joy. Joy to be feminine and joy to express it. This year was the fifth annual FEMfest and was hosted by MSU University Activities Board, Impact 89.9, Women*s Student Services and Women*s Council.

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