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City council passes resolutions acknowledging impact of campus shooting, honors first responders

May 24, 2023
<p>Mayor Ron Bacon presents a resolution honoring first responders to police and fire department chiefs Kim Johnson and Dawn Carson at the May 23 council meeting.</p>

Mayor Ron Bacon presents a resolution honoring first responders to police and fire department chiefs Kim Johnson and Dawn Carson at the May 23 council meeting.

Yesterday, the East Lansing City Council passed four resolutions recognizing the impact of the Feb. 13 mass shooting on Michigan State University's campus. The resolutions also honored first responders, mental health professionals and city staff for their efforts during and after the shooting. 

“The East Lansing City Council recognizes the profound impact of the events of February 13th, continues to mourn the loss of life and sense of safety and honors the legacies of Arielle, Brian and Alexandria by continued efforts to foster health and healing,” one resolution wrote. 

Three of the four resolutions passed at the May 23 meeting with the consent agenda.

One resolution expressed gratitude to city employees “for their outstanding support and coordination of mental health services” and “courage, strength and dedication.” Another acknowledged “the courage and strength of these exceptional mental health workers in our community.”

East Lansing Mayor Ron Bacon said acknowledging the fourth resolution, which honored first responders and individuals directly impacted by the shooting, was paramount. 

“Our public safety professionals risked life and limb,” Bacon said. “I think at this point in time … we can definitely say that many lives were saved that night by the swift actions and essential training and other elements that came together for an all-too-frequent tragedy in our nation. The way we responded to it definitely saved lives and made sure a lot of people could go home that night.” 

The resolution recognized the first responders for the "physical and emotional sacrifices” they made in response to the shooting, as well as the emotional toll that may affect them today.

Bacon proposed amendments to include names of the first responders and to revisit the resolution at the first council meeting of each February to memorialize their efforts.

Interim City Manager Randy Talifarro also expressed his gratitude for first responders. Because they did not have any reluctance or hesitation to move towards danger, Talifarro said, they saved multiple lives.

“The mixed emotions of sadness knowing that your friends, coworkers and peers have to go through that, but then extreme pride in the fact that they did go through that — in the manner in which they went through that — I still have great admiration for their efforts on that evening,” Talifarro said. 

The amended resolution passed unanimously and Bacon presented it to police and fire department chiefs Kim Johnson and Dawn Carson.


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