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Student escapes shooter in Berkey Hall through window

February 14, 2023
<p>Police stand outside of the Union after an active shooting on Michigan State University's campus on Monday, Feb. 13, 2023.</p>

Police stand outside of the Union after an active shooting on Michigan State University's campus on Monday, Feb. 13, 2023.

Jin Du was sitting in his class in Berkey Hall on Monday, Feb. 13, when he said he heard shots coming from the back of the room. 

He saw a classmate shot.

"Six or seven times," he said.

Next, he said he heard a window break. Someone called the police. Before Du escaped from the window, he saw a man with a mask.

Du, a human capital and society senior, walked across Grand River Avenue with an injured foot from the fall, trying to warn people around him. Luckily, his classroom was on the first floor so he didn't suffer a severe injury. 

When he found safety off-campus, he started texting his friends. He was also able to reach his family in China despite the time difference.

"I hope everything will be okay," Du said. "And everyone is kept safe."

Du escaped Michigan State University's mass shootingThe shooting left three dead and at least five injured. 

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