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MSU Pompon gears up for State Championship; shares passion for volunteering, mentoring

February 11, 2023
<p>MSU Pompon Team courtesy of MSU Pompon.</p>

MSU Pompon Team courtesy of MSU Pompon.

5, 6, 7, 8!

Pompon, often known as pom, is unique to southeast Michigan. Often confused with dance or cheer teams, Mid American style pom requires teams to perform a three-minute routine with strength, precision, unity and skill.

Teams compete at the middle school, junior varsity, varsity and collegiate level and are judged on form, showmanship, timing, choreography and team unity. The primary attraction of a pom routine is the kickline — team members hook together in a line and perform a series of synchronized high, waist, angle and fan kicks. 

Founded in 2005, the Michigan State University Pompon team was the first collegiate team in the Mid American Pom league. The team is recognized as a club sport through MSU's Recreational Sports Department. Coach Gabbi O’Connell said their team paved the way for the entire division.

“I think being the first is something that we’re really proud of and is definitely a part of our legacy,” O’Connell said.

MSU Pompon will perform for the State Championship on Sunday, Feb. 12 at Eastern Michigan University. The competition can be live streamed with mobile tickets.

MSU Pompon participates in two competitions: High Kick and the State Championship. Team members practice several hours a week, on top of their schoolwork, for months ahead of the competition to prepare. Their months of work culminate in a singular three-minute routine they perform at the competition. There are no second chances, the team says they have to "leave it all on the floor."


Throughout the years, MSU Pompon have built traditions that began with previous teams. Coach Ari Mattioli said traditions reflect the evolution of the program and each one demonstrates the unique team it started with. 

One of MSU Pompon’s values is community engagement and the team volunteers at philanthropic events both on and off campus.

“It’s been a really special experience throughout the years of the team,” psychology senior and team member Erin Sawyer said. “We’ve been able to be very deeply involved with causes that are important to us, but also were important to team members before us.”

The team volunteers at the Michigan International Speedway during its annual NASCAR race, the special olympics during the summer, Teddy Bear Picnic with the College of Nursing, Grandparents University and a healthy living fitness class during the school year. 

MSU Pompon invites high school and middle school pom teams to their winter clinic each year where they will learn either an advanced or intermediate routine. Members of MSU Pompon choreograph these routines and have the opportunity to coach and mentor younger girls at the clinic.

Social relations and policy junior and team member Ella Lucas said the hours of weight training, cardio, stamina conditioning and drilling the routine the team does is something they take to heart.

“We genuinely work so hard and put so many hours in every single day,” Lucas said. “There’s never an off-day; we are always working and we are always improving.”

Advertising junior and team member Alli Garpow loves that the team is student-centered — team members choreograph the majority of competition routines. 

"It genuinely makes you have so much more heart and soul into the routine," Garpow said. "So you want the best for it."

Communication junior Sarah Stamm said MSU Pompon is unlike any other team she’s been on before; the passion, drive and positive energy are “unmatched.”

“We’re all best friends,” Stamm said, “There’s no one that I’m scared to talk to, there’s no one that I don’t like, we’re just one big happy family.”

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