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MSU journalism graduate starts career as a stylish nail tech

April 2, 2022
<p>After gaining journalism degree Michigan State graduate makes a shift in career choice.</p>

After gaining journalism degree Michigan State graduate makes a shift in career choice.

When it comes to creativity, Michigan State University graduate and Detroit native Audrey Porter transforms her clients with some of her stylish nail designs.

Porter graduated from Michigan State University with her bachelor's degree in journalism. She had taken a few courses in public relations, but quickly after graduating she realized that she had a passion for nail art. Now she provides manicures and pedicures from her home-based nail business.

The nail- tech did explain that she did apply to a few positions in her field and the PR area, but she said she did not pursue those positions too much.

"I kind of just went straight to work and then also starting to do nails because I always had a thing for cosmetology anyway," Porter said. "So I just went with what I liked, and now it's been like, a year plus now doing nails consistently."

The Michigan State graduate had stated that she had gained her love of cosmetology through her family and that growing up, it had always been a part of her home.

"My mom, she, she knew how to do her hair. She did my hair. My dad, he used to cut hair back in the day, but like he'll cut my brother's hair," Porter said. "And so actually now my brother is a barber. He's also someone that's in a professional world and working on his own on a craft that you know he likes."

Like beauty, Porter has also engaged in customizing wig units and makeup, but now she hardly touches her brushes anymore. When she is not perfecting her craft, she likes to sit and home, relax and watch television. She says that since the hit show "Snowfall" has returned, she will be tuning in after her clients have come and gone.

Along with watching herself grow as an artist, the 23-year- old had mentioned that clients motivate her as a creator. She says that her goal is to make them feel happy and comfortable after an appointment with her.

"I get all different types of scenarios with stories when I get a client of either a bad experience or either you know, they'll not be uncomfortable with something like if I do someone's feet you know," Porter said. "I always try to make them, you know, so like it's okay and like I don't mind touching your feet."

Being a nail tech comes with great responsibility. Providing services to many clients day-to-day has become a full-time job for Porter. She had expressed that going into February 2022. She had accumulated more customers than she had ever gained before due to a Valentine's Day special that she posted on her Instagram account and booking website.

Though that wasn't the first special she had done, it kept her booked and busy throughout the entire month. The artist stated that she does many specials with discounted prices because she likes the offerings to bring her new and existing clientele.

Now that Porter has figured out that she has a genuine aspiration behind nail art, she wants to continue her journey in the future. She has even talked about opening a joint shop with her brother, who cut's hair. Though she did not give an exact time frame, her hope is for the establishment to be located in her hometown on Detroit's west side.

"I would be more part-time than full-time once I, you know, get a shop and have that setup," Porter said." At some point, I will just become a boss. But for the time being, I love doing nails."

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