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What's on the ballot: Proposals

November 2, 2020
A 2020 ballot and hand sanitizer.
A 2020 ballot and hand sanitizer.

Ingham County voters will be doing more than selecting their elected officials on Election Day — they will also be voting on a series of statewide and local ballot proposals.

There are two proposed constitutional amendments that residents across the state will be voting on.

The first concerns an amendment to continue to allow money from oil and gas mining on state-owned lands to be collected in state funds for land protection and creation and maintenance of parks, nature areas and public recreation facilities; and to describe how money in those state funds can be spent. 

The proposed amendment would:

  • Allow the State Parks Endowment Fund to continue to receive money from sales of oil and gas from state-owned lands to improve, maintain and purchase land for state parks, and for fund administration until its balance reaches $800,000,000.

  • Require subsequent oil and gas revenue from state-owned lands to go into the Natural Resources Trust Fund.

  • Require at least 20% of Endowment Fund annual spending go toward state park improvement.

  • Require at least 25% of Trust Fund annual spending go toward parks and public recreation areas and at least 25% toward land conservation.

The second proposed constitutional amendment seeks to require a search warrant in order to access a person’s electronic data or electronic communications.

This amendment would:

  • Prohibit unreasonable searches or seizures of a person’s electronic data and electronic communications.

  • Require a search warrant to access a person’s electronic data or electronic communications under the same conditions currently required for the government to obtain a search warrant to search a person’s house.

County and local proposals

Voters in Ingham County will vote on the public transportation system for elderly and disabled millage renewal question, which seeks to renew funding at $0.60 per $1,000 of taxable value for a transportation system to be used primarily by elderly and disabled persons in Ingham County for six years. 

An estimated additional $4,609,732 will be raised for the transportation system in the first calendar year of the levy if the millage is passed and levied in full. 

Voters of the City of Williamston, Leroy Township and Wheatfield Township will vote on separate millages for the Williamston Area Senior Center, each asking to raise the tax limitation imposed on the city by up to $0.25 per $1,000 of taxable value and levied for four years, though 2023 inclusive. 

A portion of the City of Williamston millage may be disbursed to the Williamston Downtown Development Authority and TIFA II-A and TIFA II-B Authorities, as a requirement of state law. If levied in full, it will raise an estimated $25,687.00 in the first year.

The Leroy Township millage would raise an estimated $31,391 in 2020, and the Wheatfield Township millage would raise an estimated $20,299.

Meridian Township voters have three millage renewals on the ballot. 

The first proposal asks to renew the $0.6339 per $1,000 of taxable value levy for existing paramedic and firefighter positions, necessary equipment, uniforms and supplies for 16 years. The millage would raise an estimated $1,184,492 in 2020.

The second proposal seeks to reduce the millage from 0.3273 mill to 0.1 mill ($0.10 on each $1,000 of taxable value) for purchase of land and/or conservation easements, improvements of natural habitat and management of land in the township. It would raise an estimated $186,858 in 2020. 

The third asks to renew the 0.6016 mills ($0.60 per $1,000 of taxable value) for existing police positions for a period of 16 years. It would raise an estimated $1,124,137 in 2020.

The Dansville Schools Proposal seeks to continue the levy not to exceed 18 mills required for the school district to receive its revenue per pupil foundation allowance. It seeks to renew the currently authorized rate limitation of 19.71 mills on property for seven years.

A bonding proposal for Eaton Rapids Public Schools will additionally appear on the ballot. The proposal asks to borrow up to $45,175,000 for the purposes of: 

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  • remodeling, furnishing and equipping school buildings.

  • acquiring and installing instructional technology in school buildings.

  • purchasing school buses.

  • erecting, furnishing and equipping a gymnasium addition to Lockwood Elementary School.

  • erecting, preparing, developing, improving and equipping athletic fields, facilities, structures, playgrounds and sites.


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