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East Lansing to ban electronic dog leashes

January 22, 2020
<p>Newly elected city council members including Mayor Pro Tem Aaron Stephens (left), Lisa Babcock and Jessy Gregg during the East Lansing City Council meeting at the East Lansing City Offices on Nov. 12, 2019.</p>

Newly elected city council members including Mayor Pro Tem Aaron Stephens (left), Lisa Babcock and Jessy Gregg during the East Lansing City Council meeting at the East Lansing City Offices on Nov. 12, 2019.

The East Lansing city council voted unanimously on Tuesday to ban the use of electronic dog leashes.

Ordinance 1481 says that dog owners must now walk their dogs on physical leashes no longer than 8 feet on all public property, with the exception being Northern Tail Dog Park.

The ordinance goes into effect in 30 days.

Those found in violation of the new ordinance will be fined $25 for their first offense, $50 for their second and $250 for their third.

Police dogs on duty are exempt from this ordinance, according to the East Lansing Police Department Facebook.

Dog-walkers are also reminded to clean up their dog's waste on public property.

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