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Remaining dates for East Lansing yard waste disposal

November 2, 2018
<p>Leaves cover a yard of a house on the corner of Gunson Street and Ann Street.</p>

Leaves cover a yard of a house on the corner of Gunson Street and Ann Street.

The City of East Lansing offers a service to collect yard waste for residents. With the accumulation of leaves during the autumn season, disposing of them is accomplished through the Fall Bulk Leaves Collection.

Remaining collection weeks are scheduled through Nov. 19, with different dates depending on where you live in the city. For residents living from the east side of the city, from Park Lake Road to Abbot Road, the final collection day is Nov. 12. For the west side, from Coolidge Road to Abbot Road, the remaining days are Nov. 5 and Nov. 19.

Collections occur on Mondays at 7 a.m. Residents must rake leaves to their curb.

A common mistake residents make is putting debris in the pile of leaves, said Ron Lacasse, infrastructure administrator for the City of East Lansing. This can include pumpkins, landscape plants, hanging baskets and more.

Lacasse said a major issue is residents waiting until the last week of collection to rake their leaves. As the last collections are toward the end of the season, snow and ice can cause difficulty.

“They don't want to rake multiple times,” he said. “Then, we have snow basically piled on top of the leaves on the parkway … we can't collect them at all. So, it's important that people rake each week (when) they have their pickup available, so that if we have early winter weather, they're not stuck with all their leaves in their yard.”

He advises residents to rake their leaves into an open area to make it easier for the collection crew.

“If people rake a pile more on their mailboxes or around trees, it makes it harder for our crews to get them out into the street when we come to collect them,” he said.

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