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Michigan State releases statement defending timing of pregame walk against Michigan

October 22, 2018
Senior running back LJ Scott (3) carries the ball during the game against Michigan at Spartan Stadium on Oct. 20, 2018.
Senior running back LJ Scott (3) carries the ball during the game against Michigan at Spartan Stadium on Oct. 20, 2018.

Two days after Michigan State fell to now-No. 5 Michigan 21-7 Saturday afternoon, there's still a back-and-forth exchange going on between the two programs.

The Spartans refuted claims Monday evening made by U-M coach Jim Harbaugh and players that MSU gave the Wolverines misleading pregame information, causing a pregame incident between  MSU and U-M players warming up on the field during the Spartans' pregame walk.

Michigan State Athletic Communications Associate Director Ben Phlegar said in a statement both teams were given pregame time sheets and "were in communication earlier in the week" about MSU's pregame walk upon arriving at Spartan Stadium from the Kellogg Center.

"There has never been an on-field issue with this tradition in the 12 years under head coach Mark Dantonio," Phlegar said. "The timing of Saturday’s pregame tradition did not change from previous games, nor did the communication change between both schools."

Phlegar said MSU was scheduled to leave the Kellogg Center at 9:45 a.m. and left at 9:47 a.m. The Spartans were supposed to arrive at Spartan Stadium around 10:00 a.m. and walk onto the field at approximately 10:02 a.m.

Phlegar said U-M players taking the field before MSU's pregame walk was agreed upon before the incident.

"As a courtesy, Michigan was granted field access before MSU’s arrival with the understanding from both sides that the U of M student-athletes would leave the field during this tradition," Phlegar said. "Michigan was on the field prior to 10 a.m. as previously agreed upon, but when multiple MSU staff members asked both U of M student-athletes and staff members to please move off the field for the pregame field walk, this did not occur.”

What occurred during the walk depends on what side you believe. 

Harbaugh said postgame Saturday MSU players "clotheslined" U-M players and ripped defensive back Lavert Hill's headphones off, while provoking linebacker Devin Bush to trash talk and eventually tear up the Spartan logo at midfield with his cleats after the pregame walk. 

Harbaugh also said during the walk, coach Mark Dantonio was standing 5 yards behind his team smiling.

Which Dantonio called "total B.S.," and he stood by his comment Sunday evening during his teleconference, saying the whole situation was "juvenile."

“The whole thing to me was sort of juvenile,” Dantonio said. “Things are going to happen in rivalry games. So, I stand by what I said (Saturday).”

Harbaugh saw Dantonio's "juvenile" comment Monday, and said during his weekly news conference Dantonio and his coaches are "trying to brush it under the carpet." 

"When you host a team, both teams, you share the field. Each has a sideline, each gets half of the field to warm up on, and then Michigan State locked arms and used every inch of the field in their walk to attempt to going through or over our guys in a physical manner," Harbaugh said. "To call that unsportsmanlike or to call that bush league, is putting it mildly. That could have been a real unfortunate incident. As I said, it's the opposite of B.S. Coach (Dantonio) said it was B.S., but that's not B.S. — that's fact. I think it's something now the two athletic directors really need to get together and talk about.

"I’ll go one step further and use Coach Dantonio’s words from a few years back, 'It’s not a product of the team but their program.' Again, that’s using his words. That could’ve been an unfortunate deal. And I’m proud of our guys for keeping their cool.”

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