Friday, June 28, 2024

Letter: Sparty's shouldn't profit from teal ribbon coffee cups

By Holly Ann Simon

Simon is an English and public policy senior.

Since the Larry Nassar sexual assault case was first brought to light in 2016, Michigan State has been shrouded in controversy. From the resignation of former President Lou Anna K. Simon to countless protests both on and off campus, MSU has navigated widespread public outcry from students, alumni, donors, and people all over the country.


While one would think that this would lead Michigan State to walk on eggshells and do their best to appease us, they have instead been digging a deeper and deeper hole. The most recent grievance I have with MSU is their introduction of teal ribbon mugs to the on-campus Sparty’s convenience stores. 

While these mugs may superficially seem like a goodwill gesture on Michigan State’s part, a deeper look shows how troubling, tacky, and tiring this glorified publicity stunt is. For one thing, these mugs cost $3.99, with a $1 donation going to MSU’s Sexual Assault Program. While that seems noble, their non-teal ribbon mugs are sold for $2.99, essentially meaning that the $1 donation is really just an upcharge. 

These mugs are not being sold for their cost plus a donation, which would be somewhat fair; instead, MSU is literally profiting off of survivors and the university’s own inadequacy. Additionally, Sparty’s could have donated proceeds from existing mugs or other products, rather than creating such a tasteless one; instead, these donations are performative, and these mugs offer a venue for them to say “hey, we did something,” when all they did was exemplify exactly why so many students are fed up with the administration. 


Not only are these mugs trivializing the experiences of survivors, but they are triggering as well. As a survivor of sexual assault myself, biking around campus and seeing teal ribbons everywhere reminds me daily of what happened to me. It hurts. Every time. That said, I appreciate the visibility and attention that has arisen as a result, and to me, this is worth being a little uncomfortable. However, seeing MSU manufacturing and profiting off of this awareness is completely different. They were complicit in the assault, and now, they’re making money off of it. That is objectively wrong. 

In a statement via Twitter, Eat at State (the entity in charge of Sparty’s) pointed out that they worked closely with MSU’s Sexual Assault Program (still an internal entity) to produce the mugs, and included stickers and information about the program inside each one. While helpful, this does not mitigate my concerns in any way. They are still profiting, and it is still wrong. 

It shouldn’t have to be said, but using survivors’ trauma for money is unethical. Students have reportedly shown that we are angry over the way MSU is treating survivors – this is no different. This is not supporting survivors, this is using them, and that is the last thing that they deserve. While a mug may seem like no big deal with all the other issues going on, it’s emblematic of the ignorance and carelessness MSU has repeatedly portrayed.

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