Monday, September 16, 2024

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Letter: Clean up your trash after tailgating

By Annette M. Irwin

Irwin is the housing and university relations administrator for the City of East Lansing.


With the Wolverines coming to town this weekend, it’s natural to trash talk, right? Except I don’t mean that kind of trash talk, I mean literally talking about trash.

With the party comes the party trash: cups, bottles, food wrappers, more cups. It is easy to not notice all the trash during the party, but come morning, there it is for everyone to see. Neighbors who see it may call the City (of East Lansing) and complain, which will result in a call to PACE to be sent to your residence. They’ll take a picture of the scene and, ultimately, will write you a ticket.

What to do? Avoid the chance of getting a ticket by grabbing your roommates and picking up the trash after the party. You can significantly cut down on your cleanup by providing a trash can (and a recycling bin for cups/cans/bottles) for your guests at the start of the party.

The upside of cleaning up after a party is that you don’t have to face the mess in the morning, you have more money in your “social fund” since you won’t be getting a ticket and you are taking care of the environment. All in all, it’s a win — just like the win we plan to celebrate on Saturday!

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