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Swastika painted on St. Thomas Aquinas School, ELPD says

September 25, 2018
<p>An East Lansing police car is pictured on July 6th, 2017.</p>

An East Lansing police car is pictured on July 6th, 2017.

A swastika was painted on the outside wall of St. Thomas Aquinas Parish School within the last 24 hours, according to a press release from the East Lansing Police Department.

The school and church have not received any direct threats. ELPD was dispatched to the school at 2 p.m. today. 

St. Thomas Aquinas is an Catholic preschool through eighth grade school in East Lansing. 

Officers will be monitoring the school to secure the safety of the school’s community, according to the press release.

There is an open investigation locating suspects underway. Anyone with information pertaining to the incident is encouraged to contact the ELPD Detective Bureau at (517) 319-6884. 

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