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White nationalist arraigned after Richard Spencer's speech at MSU

March 22, 2018
<p>Protestors march towards the intersection of Farm lane and Mt. Hope during the protests to stop Richard Spencer from speaking at MSU on March 5, 2018 at Lot 89. (C.J. Weiss | The State News)</p>

Protestors march towards the intersection of Farm lane and Mt. Hope during the protests to stop Richard Spencer from speaking at MSU on March 5, 2018 at Lot 89. (C.J. Weiss | The State News)

White nationalist Gregory Conte was arrested at white nationalist Richard Spencer's speech on March 5.

Gregory Conte, a 29-year-old resident of Gaithersburg, Maryland, was arraigned on one count of resisting and obstructing police on March 19.

He pleaded not guilty, his lawyer Christopher Wickman said.

Conte is the director of operations for the National Policy Institute, or NPI, Spencer's think-tank in Maryland. NPI did not return request for comment at the time of publication.

"He has proven to be indispensable in terms of planning our demonstrations and events, coordinating them as they happen, and keeping our supporters and staff–especially our President, Richard Spencer–safe," NPI's website said.

Conte was fired from his position as a substitute teacher and field hockey coach at an all-girls Catholic school in Maryland after his ties to the alt-right were exposed, according to a Newsweek article.

Conte will have a pre-examination conference at 8:30 a.m. March 30.

He is the 21st person to be arraigned following Spencer's speech. Hearings for those arrested are upcoming on March 28, March 30, April 5, April 12 and April 18. 

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