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Nominations open to public for 2018 Crystal Awards

February 4, 2018
<p>East Lansing City Hall pictured on Sept. 12, 2017, on Linden Street. Here, the City Council meets to discuss residents&#x27; concerns.</p>

East Lansing City Hall pictured on Sept. 12, 2017, on Linden Street. Here, the City Council meets to discuss residents' concerns.

Nominations are open to the public for the 2018 Crystal Awards of East Lansing. 

Members of East Lansing have the opportunity to honor people they have noticed making a contribution and a change to East Lansing. Recipients are supposed to strive to make East Lansing a safe, healthy environment for everyone. 

“They do more than just go to work, go to school, go home, they actually participate in the community,” Heather Surface, community events specialist for East Lansing Hannah Community Center, said.

The Crystal Awards is an annual event held to shed light and reward those who have done a great deal for East Lansing. Whether it be an individual, a business, non-profits or community group, recipients of the Crystal Award have contributed to bettering the East Lansing area. 

The Crystal Awards have been honoring unrecognized heroes since 1988. 

Applications are open to the community to submit who they think is best fit for this recognition. Submissions can be submitted online or on paper. Paper nomination forms are available at East Lansing City Hall, the East Lansing Hannah Community Center and the East Lansing Public Library.

The deadline for nominations is Feb. 16. 

Residents of East Lansing are encouraged to nominate those they see making an impact for their community. 

“There is never hundreds of nominations, but there is always a really good group to choose from,” Surface said. 

Out of the nominations received, a committee will narrow down the pool of applicants to four finalists. 

There is certain criteria nominees must fit to be accepted, including: nominees enhance the character and vision of the community, diversifies the economic base of East Lansing and exemplifies the spirit of a good citizen or business, according to the City of East Lansing's website. 

There will also be a celebratory reception, which is meant to be a surprise for the honorees. The person who nominated them typically is in charge of secretively getting them to the event. The reception will take place at 5 p.m. April 19 at the East Lansing Hannah Community Center 

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