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How Big Ten universities handled fraternity discipline

December 1, 2017

Four Big Ten universities have limited Greek Life activities on their campuses, with some completely suspending fraternities.

Indiana University, Ohio State University and the University of Michigan have suspended all social activities at fraternities that are a part of the Interfraternity Council, or IFC. Penn State is suspending individual fraternities instead of a blanket ban.

A State News investigation found 19 alleged sexual assaults occurred at 11 fraternities in five years.

MSU spokesperson Jason Cody has not responded to multiple requests for comment. 

Fraternities were suspended at OSU due to hazing and alcohol, said Owen Daugherty, assistant campus editor at The Lantern, OSU’s student newspaper.

“That’s really all Ohio State gave us regarding details or specifics,” Daugherty said.

While Penn State does not have an outright ban on fraternities, almost all that are suspended were due to alcohol mismanagement, Andrew Kalmowitz said. Kalmowitz is news editor at Penn State’s student newspaper, The Daily Collegian.

"We haven’t done that, but Penn State has been pretty proactive in being faster to maybe suspend individual fraternities,” Kalmowitz said. “As for getting rid of all of Greek Life, I don’t see that happening anytime soon, but I didn’t think other schools would do it either, so I guess only time will tell.”

Fraternities at IU are suspended until Feb. 28, 2018, following hazing and alcohol violations at various universities, according to an article from the Indiana Daily Student. 

One reason U-M suspended fraternities was due to sexual misconduct cases, according to a Michigan Daily article. Alcohol and hazing were also factors in the suspension.

OSU’s fraternities were suspended by the university, a move that took the community by surprise, Daugherty said.

"I will say IFC was taken by surprise and they are certainly doing everything they can to get back as soon as possible. They view this suspension as something that’s sort of temporary. Ohio State has been pretty mum on what to expect, in a timeline and what they’re looking for. That remains to be seen.”

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