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Want to move off campus? Take time to find the right place

September 17, 2017
Pictured is the apartment building currently under construction on Aug. 28, 2017, at 565 E Grand River Ave.
Pictured is the apartment building currently under construction on Aug. 28, 2017, at 565 E Grand River Ave.

 Moving off campus sounds like a dream come true: you’re finally on your own and you have some personal space. But before taking that step off MSU’s grounds, all outside factors should be taken into consideration. 

MSU’s Assistant Director of Student Life for Off Campus Housing Affairs, Erik Maillard, said there are a lot of different housing options both in East Lansing and the surrounding area, but details should be looked at carefully. 

“They should shop around, they should look for all the options,” Maillard said. “They should consider their budget of course, they should consider proximity to where they wanna live, that includes proximity to bus stops and transportation solutions for them as well.”

Communications senior Joe Spizzirri said he moved off campus because he didn’t know too many juniors that stayed and he just wanted to live with his friends, and the worst part is having to sometimes cook for yourself.

Applied engineering sophomore Gabe Zeidner said he moved off campus to Hannah Lofts & Townhomes because the amenities were nice and the price was reasonable for the apartment but location is imperative. 

“It’s a very long walk to class from here but doable,” Zeidner said. 

Maillard said students need to be aware of the added stress of having to commute to campus every day.

“Getting to and from campus can be a challenge at times,” Maillard said. “That’s something that’ll impact them every single day.”

Maillard said it also important for students to understand their leasing obligations and subleases before signing up for anything. He advises students to review their landlord or property manager to get some feedback first. 

“That’s a decision you’re going to have to live with for at least one year, if not your entire time here at Michigan State,” Maillard said. 

Maillard said students should be shopping for a place and environment that fits them.

“Every student is different, so every student would be looking for a different housing option that’s out there, whether it be an apartment, a house, or living at the co-op,” he said. 

Zeidner said to make sure you’re living in some place you can actually see yourself living, and if you plan to bring a car, driving to class is not worth it. 

Maillard said everyone has a point in their life where they want their space and a piece of their own American dream, but students have to be wise when making these kind of decisions. 

“Not making wise decisions when it comes to housing can really be a financial strain on you and it can also be an emotional strain," Maillard said. "Which is something that most of our students do not need while they’re also going to class, working, and you know carrying on with their lives."

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